
Conflicting Desires (Part 1)

Luck had nothing to do with it. The topics Lith usually talked about with Yondra were too boring for Professors and too difficult for assistants, so after a while, they would always be alone.

Lith had waited until only those on guard duty were awake before showing her the sword.

"Why the fuss? The Kingdom allows Rangers to keep everything they find inside the lost city of Huryole."

"That's because aside from the Warden, Forgemaster, and Alchemical lab there's nothing worth the trouble of entering that damn place. You hit the jackpot and if you had told anyone else, they would have taken it away from you." Yondra explained.

"So I'm right. Huryole is an academy." Since Yondra seemed more worried about his safety rather than his discovery, Lith decided to strike the iron while it was hot.
