
Horrors and Wonders (Part 2)

Meanwhile Lith and the others were taking thorough scans of the tanks, Morok could now understand what could have possibly made two elite soldiers yelp like little kids. The second building had an antechamber similar to the one in the first building, but filled with wonders instead of horrors.

In front of the chairs reserved for the visiting guests, there were several weapons racks, each one filled to the brim with weapons crafted from the finest materials.

"I call dibs on Adamant stuff!" Morok said while darting towards the shiny mass of sharp metals. Professor Gaakhu snapped her fingers, hitting him with the wind blow equivalent of a punch to the stomach.

"We have yet to scan the room for danger, you fool! Also, what makes you think we can use any of those weapons? I doubt the Odi would let them be imprinted by a member of the 'lesser races. It's more likely that you'll trigger some trap."
