
Royal Pains (Part 1)

Lith's report left out almost everything that had happened to him, there was no time for storytelling. He emphasized the strength of the array surrounding the outpost before explaining how to bypass it and mentioning their enemy's name.

"Never heard of her." Jirni checked her Royal Constable communication amulet and came out empty handed.

"I'll update the Crown and let you know their decision. In the meantime, give Lith a Tonic and some food. We'll be out of here in five minutes tops."

Tonics were among the highest grade potions. They temporarily enhanced their user's metabolism, induced a state of relaxation, and provided most of the nutrients required for a hasty recovery.

Their effect allowed a body to digest and assimilate a meal in a matter of minutes instead of hours and relieved mental stress. A tonic couldn't replenish mana reserves, but at least it removed the side effects of mana depletion, like headache, lack of focus, and blurred vision.
