
Catch Out Of Nowhere

Julian is now fully invested in the battle between the two Grubbin, one Grubbin is a normal one with massive mandibles and a mean attitude which is backed up by its incredible strength, on the other side, it's a shiny Grubbin who also has massive mandibles and an equal amount of strength to go against the big mean Grubbin.

Seeing that both Grubbins are having little to no luck getting the upper hand against the other, they started to get frustrated and slowly started to exhaust themselves. Seeing this Julian knew that this battle is about to come to an end and the only way one of them could win is either coming up with a unique way to counter the other or exhaust themselves to their limit and get attacked by the other Grubbins who have their eyes looked onto them.

The other Grubbins have their eyes locked on these two Grubbin, they are just waiting for one or both of them to put themselves in a disadvantageous position so that they can hang up and steal the sap spot.

As the two Grubbins were on their last bit of energy reserve, one of them decided to go all in and risk it as it realized that it is just wasting a lot of energy in this fight, so the Grubbin which is the shiny one suddenly stopped pushing for a second causing the big mean Grubbin to rush forward and lose its footing.

Seeing this, the shiny Grubbin decided to seize its chance and gripped the trunk of the tree with its hind legs and lifted its mandibles up in the air which allowed it to lift the big mean Grubbin of its leg and suplex it over its head and toss it down on the ground.

Even Julian who was hiding got excited seeing the flawless suplex that the shiny Grubbin performed and almost exposed his location.

The big mean Grubbin fell hard on the ground and hurt itself, it looked back at the shiny Grubbin who is now occupying the sap spot and decided to make a tactical retreat for the day, it knew that it would be wasting more energy if it tries to engage in a fight with it again.

It burrowed into the ground and disappeared.

The shiny Grubbin saw this and got very excited because of its victory and as it was about to enjoy the fruits of its labor, it suddenly noticed numerous Grubbins making their way toward it.

This was inevitable as the Grubbins were already targeting the shiny Grubbin, as soon as it won, the other Grubbins charged over knowing that the shiny is very tired and it won't be able to fight back.

The shiny Grubbin bared its legs into the hard trunk of the tree and was about to put up a fight but before the other Grubbins could even get close to it, a Pokeball shot out through the air and hit the shiny Grubbin.

Seeing this all the Grubbins on the tree were startled and ran away while the Pokeball engulfed the shiny Grubbin and fell to the ground, Julian got out of his hiding and walked towards the Pokeball and watched as the Pokeball shook multiple times before finally calming down with a beep.

His catch was a success as the Grubbin had tired itself from that fight, it was a very easy catch for Julian, he was there at the right time to do so.

A smile appeared on Julian's face as he picked up the Pokeball, he didn't expect he would see two Grubbins with equal monstrous potential, he could have caught either of them and it wouldn't have mattered but having a shiny pokemon is still a flex.

There is a community of trainers who only catch shiny pokemons and are called shiny hunters, and these people would go crazy over Julian's shiny Grubbin.

Julian looked around and saw that the pokemons around him are very cautious about his presence as he could see them peeping through bushes and tree holes, Julian decided to leave them alone and walked away with his new catch.

He decided to not return to his hotel but went to his room at the school, tomorrow morning he plans to wake up early and start training his pokemons again, he has been very lax on his new pokemons compared to the ones in the past so he needs to intense up the training process.

Today he will let Grubbin get familiar with his pokemons and he will be put to training tomorrow and join Wimpod.

He returned to his room at school before dusk and called out Grubbin from its Pokeball, Julian looked at its gender and found out that it is a male, Grubbin was really surprised by the change of surroundings.

He was about to get attacked by the other Grubbins when a Pokeball suddenly came out of nowhere and captured him and now he is here, in front of an unknown human he has no idea who is.

He is very wary right now because he doesn't know what kind of situation he is in. Julian noticed that the Grubbin is very uncomfortable right now so he took out some pokemon foods that bug pokemons love to feed on.

As soon as these snacks came out, the Grubbin got rid of all his wariness and rushed towards Julian and started to munch on the food.
