
An Egg?

Julian now finds himself in a field filled with flowers which he has never seen before, they sway together in the same direction as the wind blow over them, Julian is really intrigued by these flowers, some of them where huge some small, some looked like they where alive and walking while some stayed on the spot as their petals moved in an unusual manner.

Julian "What is this place?"

Julian looks at Mew who is sitting on his shoulder and nibbling on a poke block happily, hearing Julian's question Mew floats up and starts to head towards a direction and gesture Julian to follow, Julian quietly follow Mew as it leads him deeper and deeper into the flowery field.

After walking for more than an hour they finally stop in front of a huge lake, he had never seen such a vast water body that was so still without any movement, it expanded far beyond his vision, Julian is mesmerized by seeing this lake, the water in this lake is so clear that he could see the bottom of this lake and how deep it actually is, he then look forwards and sees a small Island right in the center of the lake but that's not what intrigued him, there was only one tree on this island and it was huge, its leaves where very different some had green leaves, some were red, some were orange, some were yellow, and some were dry it looked like every leaf on this tree was in a different time zone, he felt very familiar energy coming from this tree.

Julian 'Is this The Tree of Beginning, No it's not, from what I remember the tree of Beginning didn't look like this, this tree is completely different from the one shown in the anime, why have I never seen it before, what is this tree and why do I feel some kind of familiarity with it'

Julian had no answer for what he was looking at so he turned towards Mew to search for an answer, Mew looked at Julian then continued to head towards the tree.

Julian 'Looks like I have to go to that small island to find out what it actually is'

Julian went forwards and touched the water surface with his finger and to his surprise, he found Omniforce present in the water, he could feel each and every water molecule and it, he then dived into the water and felt Omniforce slowly coming in contact with his skin and entering his body, he didn't feel any different from when he would try to observe it while meditating, he knew God has put a restriction on him so he thought that the observations were limited, but this time he was not trying to observe it, the Omniforce automatically tried to enter his body, he didn't mind it and started to swim towards the island, as he swam more and more he realized that the island in the middle of the lake is not small at all, the more he got close to it the more bigger it grew.

After swimming and swimming, he finally reached the island he was dead tired, for the first time after coming to this world did he feel tired, he felt like he swam for an eternity but also felt like it was only for few minutes, he has no clue what his happening to him, he climbed up the edge of the island and rolled upside down on the grass and took a deep breath and closed his eyes as he slowly recovered his energy, when he woke up he found Mew on top of his chest looking at him curiously, Julian looked at Mew and felt something was weird then he suddenly realized that the Mew in front of him was a completely different one, it was smaller and was fully pink not like the one which followed him which was light pink.

Julian 'An another Mew?'

As he was thinking about it, he felt something jumping up and down his stomach, he grabbed the Mew on his chest gently and sat up to find another Mew which tumbled down to his lap due to him suddenly sitting up, Julian was now more shocked to find another Mew which was not the one following him, the Mew in his lap was also smaller and fully pink just like the one he is holding in his hand, the Mew in his lap floated up sat on his shoulder and nuzzled his cheeks, He then suddenly felt something, he felt as if many pair of eyes were staring at him.

Julian 'It can't be?'

Julian quickly turned around to find himself being stared by Mews everywhere, they were so many of them that he couldn't even count, some of them were near him, some were looking at him from far away, some were hanging from the mysterious tree, but what all had in common was that they all where looking at him with curiousness.

Julian was petrified by seeing this, he had never imagined seeing so many Mew in a single place at once.

Julian 'What the heck is happening? Am I dreaming or is this actually real'

Julian rubbed his eyes and still found himself being stared by these Mews.

Julian 'Look like this is real'

Julian slowly got up and looked at this tree in front of him, he had never seen a tree so huge in his entire lifetime, he looked up and found himself tumbling backward as he could not even see how tall this tree actually was, he just saw leaves with different color glistening at the top.

He got to his feet again and approached the tree, the Mews in the surrounding also started to approach him and soon many started to familiarize with him, somewhere sitting on his shoulder, one on his head, one grabbed onto his back the other to his chest.

Julian didn't mind all these cute little pokemons hanging on him as he smiled seeing them not even having a little sense of insecurity against him, as he moved forwards he finally found the Mew which brought him here, it approached Julian and sat on his shoulder sharing it with another one.

Julian went forward and touched the tree with his hand and suddenly he was jolted and he finally found his answer.

Julian 'So it was indeed Omniforce, unlike the water this whole tree is made from Omniforce the roots, bark and leaves everything is made up of Omniforce and that why I felt this familiarity with it, unlike the water which only contained it'

But he found only one part of his answer, he still didn't know what this tree is, he looked at Mew and finally decided to talk with it, he had never talked with Mew telepathically as their interaction is really short and they just understood each other without saying anything.

Julian [Mew care to explain what is this tree]

Mew who was sharing its poke block with his fellow Mew suddenly got surprised by suddenly hearing Julian's voice in its head.

Mew [Waaaaa, you can talk to me like that, I tried so many times to talk to you but I was never able to do that as I would always get blocked]

Julian [I see, it must be because of the Omniforce]

Mew [Omnifooseu?]

Julian [It's not Omnifooseu, its Omniforce, I thought you knew about it?]

Mew [I only know of its existence and that it is also the source of our existence, so it is called Omnifooseu]

Mew then suddenly started to talk with its fellow species and soon one after the other everyone started to happily move around mewing everywhere.

Mews everwhere [Ominfooseu, Ominfooseu, Omnifooseu]

They were very happy knowing the name of something which was the cause of their origin If Julian knew what all these Mew where mewing about he would have got a headache.

Seeing the Mews dancing around happily Julian smiled, then he continues to ask Mew his question.

Julian [Mew I didn't get my answer]

Mew suddenly came to a stop and started to explain Julian.

Mew [This tree is The Tree of Space and Time, it was created by the original one and then blessed by his creations Dialga and Palkia, this tree is also the source for maintaining space and time of the entire universe and we are its guardian]

Julian "The Tree of Space and Time"

Mew [Yes, now we know that the tree is made by Omnifooseu we are very happy, I started to follow you because you had the same presence as The Tree of Space and Time and I was right]

Julian [I have a question, is this tree related to The Tree of Beginning?]

Mew [Yes, in a way, the Tree of Beginning depends on use Mew for it to survive, once every 500 years we take an egg of our species and fuse it with the tree of Begining so that when it hatches it will protect it, after 500 years of guarding, it will come back to this place and a new Mew egg is sent to replace it]

Julian [I see]

Mew [I was once a guardian of The Tree of Begining]

Mew says proudly patting its small chest, as being a guardian of Tree of Begining is a very important task for their species.

Mew looked very happy and it started to play around with its friends, Julian also sat down and relaxed as he felt very warm in this Island, he was even a little tempted to stay here but his dream is bigger than any temptation, Julian stayed around playing with little Mews who would suddenly come and disturb is meditation so he had no choice to play with them, he felt very weird staying in this place, even though he spent so much time here he still felt only a few minutes have passed.

Julian 'The Time and Space around here is so weird, even the leaves of the tree are affected by it, Dialga and Palkia are really scary'.

Julian finally decides to leave as he is worried about his other pokemons, he turned towards Mew.

Julian [Mew I think I should go]

Mew [Meeeewwww, leaving so early, I want to play more]

Julian [Well we can do that next time, my pokemons might be waiting for me]

Mew [Ok, but wait I have something for you]

Julian wondered what could be that Mew wants to give to him so he waits silently, Mew enters the tree and disappear and after some time it emerges out of the tree with a small blue pokemon egg, it turns around and tells something to the other Mews, then suddenly all the Mew starts to talks with each other and then everyone starts to nod happily.

Mew then floats towards Julian and hands him over the small blue egg.

Julian [An Egg?]

Mew [This is a special egg and we all want you to take care of it and rise it well]

Julian looks at all the Mews as they nod at him mewing happily.

Julian [If you say so, I will take good care of it]

Mew [Then we will part here, I may come and visit you but I don't know when that will be]

Julian nods and he covers the egg with a warm cloth and infuse it with his Omniforce and places it inside his pouch, he then turns back and starts to walk away and suddenly he finds himself in a completely different place from before, he realised that he was no way near the Tree of Space and Time anymore, he soon found his way back and saw Snorlax sleeping as small pokemons played on his stomach, seeing this Julian laughed, he found out that not much time has passed at all and he decides to wait for his pokemons to come back.
