
Post wedding fluff

Jos completely forgot her fear as joy overtook her entire body and soul. She turned and clasped the front of Hypnos's silk robes in her tight grip. Hope resonated from her as she stared up into his stunned eyes. "Do you mean it? Really?"

He shook the surprise away and clasped her face in his palms. "Yes, of course, sparrow. Why would I wave such a tempting treasure in front of you if it were not possible to give?"

Her brows furrowed and her bottom lip jutted out. "You aren't asking for more from me, right?"

He laughed, his heart lightening even more to her child-like expression. "No, I shall ask no more of you for this gift… though if you do not stop acting so cute, I can not promise I'll not ask more of you in the future."

When the knit of her brows furrowed further he shifted his hold on her face and massaged between her brows with the pads of his thumbs. He leaned closer to her nearly touching his head to hers. "You know that causes wrinkles." With a wide smile, he asked. "Are you ready to receive your gift?"

Jos nodded against his hold on her. Her eyes and smile were as bright as a child on Christmas morning awaiting gifts left by Santa.

Reluctantly he slid his hands away from her face and down to her shoulders, instead, as he stepped aside enough for his sisters to perform their work. They each placed a skeletal hand on Jos and began chanting an incantation in an old dead language, foreign even to Jos. Just as Jos was about to ask if it had worked, her breath caught, and her body went rigid. The Arae released their hold on her body, but Hypnos didn't. He held her tightly against him as something deep within her body seemed to pull and break painfully apart. Jos gasped for air but couldn't seem to draw in a deep enough breath or find any within her own body to release.

"That's it, little sparrow. Do not fight it. Simply let it go." Hypnos pressed his palm against the center of her chest as he cradled her back with his arm, her head resting in his other hand. "Release all that has been welled up inside of you. You are free now, sparrow, free to fly away as you wish."

Jos gasped and choked on whatever seemed to be trying to escape her body, but she couldn't figure out how to release it regardless of his words. She clutched his robes, her eyes pleading with him silently begging him to help her with the pain she was now facing.

Unable to tolerate her silent pleas a second longer, Hypnos clasped his mouth over hers and forced his own breath into her lungs. He lifted, but when she continued to sputter and choke he repeated the action. After the second breath, a thick, black sludge oozed from her mouth. He quickly shifted his hold on her, tilting her onto her side. "Yes, that is it. Let it all out."

As the last of the disgusting sludge broke free of her body, Jos shivered involuntarily. She clasped Hypnos tightly as he helped right her. "That was so gross…" She muttered, taking the handkerchief he offered her.

He smiled charmingly down at her with one brow raised. "Indeed… yet somehow, even with black gunk smudged all over your face, you still look radiant." He wiped at an invisible smudge with his thumb across her lips, lingering longer than necessary. He blew out a long sigh as he reluctantly let his hand fall away from her. "I suppose it is time I return to where I should be, and you to your wedding festivities. Your family and… what is left of your guests await you…" His eyes moved to the edge of the walkway before they returned to her. "Fair be well, dear sparrow. If ever you shall need me simply call and I shall be there."

Jos smiled. "You make it seem like I'll never see you again, oh god of sleep. Wouldn't it be more fitting to say something like 'I'll see you in your dreams'?" she asked.

He sent her a sad smile as he brushed away a strand of her hair. "My children took over that position many, many centuries ago… I have not been the god of dreams since their birth."

Jos frowned. "So, then I really won't see you again? You won't visit like you have been?"

He shook his head. "It's better that way, don't you think?"

Jos's frown deepened but she nodded anyway. "Yes… I suppose."

He patted her cheek before bending and placing a kiss on her forehead. "Congratulations… and thank you again for all that you have done for my family and me. I know I was not always the easiest person to get along with."

Jos tilted her head down but couldn't keep from glancing up at him every so often. "It… wasn't… so bad… I'll miss… some of it… maybe not all of it… definitely not the threats… or the showing up out of the blue…"

They both shared an awkward laugh before he pulled her into a hug. "I must be leaving." His words were a whisper on the wind as he vanished leaving behind nothing but the smell of poppies.

Jos hugged her arms around herself as her eyes moved around the now seemingly empty backyard. She paused when movement at the walkway caught her attention. Arei stepped out into the dimmed light of dusk. She squeezed her arm nervously as she watched him walk closer. "How long have you been standing there?"

Arei's turbulent expression didn't change as he neared her. "Long enough…" He clasped her upper arms and drew her closer to him. "Are you going to explain any of that… any of today to me or will it always be this thing that remains between us?"

Jos blew out a heavy sigh. "I will… anything… everything you wish to know."

He arched a brow. "Anything? Including what exactly kind of relationship you have with Hypnos that had you in his arms the day of our wedding… after our vows no less?"

Jos's face flushed. "It's not like that."

His brow lifted higher. "Really? It sure seemed that way from where I was standing. I'm convinced anyone here today would think the same. Anyone who would have happened by just now would think the same. One or both of you have some kind of feelings for the other. My question is what are yours toward him?"

Jos frowned. "It's a very complicated matter between him and I. I would need to explain everything from the beginning…"

Arei shook his head. "I think not, Jos. I think it's a very simple answer. Do you have feelings for him? Do you love him?"

Jos blew out a sigh. "I love you and only you. Once I explain everything you will understand…"

Arei nodded. "I will take your word." He cupped her face. "But know, if for some reason you've changed your mind, though it would kill me, your happiness is all that matters to me."

Tears burned Jos's eyes as she flung her arms around Arei's thick waist. "No, you moron. Like I said, you misunderstood! His wedding gift just now, it was… he broke my curse! I'm free! I feel… I feel so much right now! Toward him, toward life… I finally FEEL!"

Arei's eyes bugged as he stared down at the top of her head. Her tears soaked the front of his shirt, but he didn't care. "Your curse? Is broken?" When she nodded against his lower chest, a hundred emotions ran through him at once. He quickly scooped her up under her arms and lifted her into the air and whirled her around in a wide circle. "That's amazing! You're free!" His eyes widened. "That means we could…" He pulled her down against his lips without finishing his sentence. They could have children of their own without risking harm to Jos or the babies… He finally set her back on her feet, his own eyes misty with tears. "Hell, if I'd known that was what was going on over here, I'd come and gave him some sweet lovin' myself!" Arei teased.

Jos shoved playfully at his arm. "You're ridiculous. "I didn't give him any 'sweet loving'. We were simply saying bye forever… Speaking of which… Are any of our guests still here?"

Arei gave an awkward chuckle as he ran his hand over the back of his neck. "I'm not sure… As soon as I woke up from Dad's coma he put my ass in I ran straight out here to you… Last I saw it was a free-for-all between Apollo, Artemis, Ry, Russ, and Jaden while Peg and Andy all but ate popcorn and enjoyed the show in the corner…"

Jos giggled. "You think Andy and Peg have room for two more in that corner?"

Arei shrugged. "Probably… I know one thing, Chery and Scylla are going to be pissed that they left early."


Jos and Arei walked back into the house hand in hand but were surprised to find the company different than what they'd expected. They exchanged confused glances before continuing in. Arei tightened his hold on Jos's hand as he led her toward their open living room and asked the group gathered there. "Where did Dad go? And… when did you guys get back?"

"Dad got rid of Artemis... again..." Ry growled from the kitchen.

Raven squeezed Isha tightly into place on her lap. "We came back as soon as we got the all-clear call… along with these guys…" She nodded over to Shelly and Rin who were cuddled up on the other side of the sectional.

Jos looked around the rest of the room before glancing toward the wrecked nursery. "Where are the children?"

Shelly sent her a tired yet sweet smile. "They're all with Rin's parents. We considered bringing Shiori back tonight, but she and Cam refused to let go of each other when we were getting ready to leave."

Jos shook her head with a grin. "What are we going to do with those two…"

Rin chuckled. "Well, either we're going to have to move closer or you guys are…"

Arei shrugged. "There's plenty of property right here. We could have another house up in a few months if you guys are seriously considering it."

Rin blew out a sigh. "Yeah, but what would we do with the home we have now? We just bought it."

"Drake and April mentioned looking for a place away from everything… Maybe they would be interested…" Jaden said from the kitchen where she was helping Ry and Andy with food from the reception.

Arei's eyes continued moving around the room. "Did Dad take Apollo too? Where's Russ? He's not hurt or something, is he?"

Ry chuckled. "Am I flipping my shit right now? Russ is having a chat in the office with Apollo about wolf business. Apollo is... intrigued... with our current circumstances and wants to have a more active involvement in getting the wolves back on their feet." Jaden wrapped her arms around his waist affectionately as they exchanged whispered words and a laugh. He cupped her cheek and caressed it with the pad of his thumb, his warm gaze locked on hers as they continued their whispered conversation. She nuzzled against it before he lowered and placed a lingering kiss to her lips causing the rest of the room to grow awkwardly quiet.

Arei shook his head. "I'm not sure any of us will ever get used to this… relationship of yours."

Ry pulled her closer all but hiding the blushing werewolf with his massive arms. "It doesn't really matter if you don't… It is what it is… We're happy…" His attention moved back down to her, and he slowly moved his arms away to reveal her still-blushing face. "Isn't that right?"

Jaden nodded, her tiny hands dwarfed as she gripped his massive arms. "Very much."

Andy pulled out one of the dining room seats and flopped down. She propped her elbow on the table and rested her head there as she began eating the sweet treats she'd piled on her plate as she continued watching what she was now calling the Ry Show.

A wicked smile curved Raven's lips. "I just have to ask… How's it work… With you and Russ I mean… Who's the top and who's the bottom? Cause I'm not going to lie that boy has always given me repressed bottom vibes."

Isha busted out laughing. "Right! All that anger and aggression for the longest time!"

Shelly covered her laughter with her hands as she nudged Rin with her elbow.

Rin shook his head and held up his hands. "Leave me out of this! I'm not having this conversation with you guys! No way!"

Arei rubbed the back of his neck as he shook his head. "Yeah, I'm kinda with you on that… You want to help me see what can be salvaged from the nursery?"

Rin popped up. "Yeah!"

Arei sent Peg a glance. "How about you?"

Peg was on the other side of the kitchen counter loading down a plate. He had just popped an entire tart in his mouth. "Are-woo-kiddin" He quickly licked his fingers and finished it before speaking again. "I'm not missing this shit for nothing! You know how many times I had to rely on Ry's perversions back when I was pretending to be gay to be with Andy?! I'm fully fucking invested in this shit! Fuck it, I'm making popcorn and buying season passes!"

Raven pushed Isha up. "Alright, wait! If we're getting storytime, then we all need snackies!" 

Everyone quickly jumped up to load plates. Arei pressed a kiss to Jos's forehead before he and Rin left. "Have fun, Kitten... But I want you all to myself tonight..." He whispered in her ear causing her to blush.

Russ and Apollo walked in as everyone was settling in. Jaden was curled up in Ry's lap in an oversized armchair with everyone else gathered around staring eagerly back at them. He arched a brow as he came around the chair and perched on the arm. He squeezed Ry's shoulder and returned Jaden's smile before glancing around the room in curiosity. "What did I miss?"

A wide, shit-eating grin spread across Raven's lips. "Ry was just about to tell us whether you were the top or bottom."

Russ nearly fell off the chair arm as he sputtered back in shock, but Ry caught him around the waist. "Wasn't going to... Well... I was... but does it really matter since you've only topped so far?"

"SO FAR?!" Russ sputtered more.

Apollo burst out in laughter as he pulled out one of the chairs from the dining room table and plopped down. "I was going to leave, but I believe I shall stay a bit longer... Cousin, you continue to amuse me, even now."

"Right?" Andy mumbled around a truffle as she slid her loaded plate toward him. He plucked one from it and set back to enjoy the show as well.

Everyone listened, teasing, laughing, and enjoying the stories as they ate and enjoyed one another's company. Ry and Jaden seemed perfectly content with the way the conversation had gone, but Russ was still red-faced and flustered. Apollo rose from the table and walked over. He clasped Russ on the shoulder as he studied him. "You remind me of someone I once knew... Hyacinthus. He was a young beautiful prince not unlike yourself." Apollo's eyes reflected both a deep love and a deep sadness. "Never take love for granted, regardless of the form it takes... regardless of the apprehensions you may have about it at the moment. You will learn. my young king, that the only things you will ever regret in life will be the things you didn't do and the time you didn't spend with those you loved most."


I REALLY want to do Ry, Russ, and Jaden art... I'm not going to lie after I'm finished with the story there will probably be an influx of RRJ and Shiori/Cam art on my Instagram... maybe some Hypnos (purr)...

Jacquia_comicscreators' thoughts