
Ink and blood

Shelly blinked, the heavy fog that had been trapping her inside her own brain had cleared the instant Jos stepped out onto the patio. Her first instinct was to run for her and fling herself into Jos's arms, but when she saw the blank expression on her friend's face she halted. She followed Jos's eyes to Dante then back. His eyes gleamed like they always did when he was using mind control, but something seemed off. {Could it work on Jos?} She backed toward the empty table where the gates to the private beach access awaited opposite the end she was at now. Confusion rattled her already aching head as she watched Jos comply with the demands Dante was making. She hunkered down, under the tabletop using it to shield her from the other vampires as she slowly made her way toward the back gates.

Her hand shook as she reached out for the handle unable to bring herself to pull down on the small bar like knob... the only thing that stood between her and freedom. Shelly turned back toward the pool and her friend. Jos was stepping into the pool completely naked. She glanced anxiously back toward the gate and the beach awaiting just past it. The beautiful rays of the setting sun were being snuffed out by rapid moving dark clouds rolling in as if they meant to devour the sun itself. Her eyes widened as the gentle tide began building with a great force, rising and swallowing most of the beach.

Shelly gulped, forcing her eyes away from the building hurricane like conditions forming before her eyes to the pool. "Jos???" The words where only a whisper on her lips; but she still feared it would get the attention of the vampires as her gaze shot to them, but her breath caught. They were also backing away concern and confusion was etched on each of their faces. Despite everything happening around her, she couldn't help the slight pleasure at seeing them scared for once. "Serves them right." She whispered but nausea rose in her throat as she moved her gaze back to the pool. The waters were no longer the translucent aqua as it was. A thick blackness filled the entire pool, and Jos was nowhere to be seen. A harsh wind blew across the patio. She clung to the table leg as items blew past her, even some of the chairs where scraped across the deck. The skies darkened as the rolling clouds fully swallowed up the setting sun. She could feel the spray of the ocean at her back now as she heard it hitting the shore in violent crashes.

"What the fuck is happening!" The head vampires were all yelling loudly, each trying to get a response from Dante, but he hadn't taken his eyes off the water or moved away from it. "If this is one of your games..." The man's words died off his attention now glued to the water as well.

Shelly's eyes widened as a head emerged from the center of the black waters. She watched intensely, unable to blink or move. It was similar to the effects Dante's mind control had except... different... She scrunched her nose. There was a strange floral sent hanging on the breeze... even the breeze itself seemed to hum a sad lullaby drawing her in. She clung to the table more forcefully. Dread hit the pit of her stomach like a punch as she watched the black waters drip off Jos's colorless hair; her lips were curved into a wide, wild smile most would associate with mental illness; she lifted a blackened hand out of the water curving a clawed finger to motion the stander-byer's to join; but the most shocking was her strange eyes. The area that was white on most creatures was now as black as the waters surrounding her, the irises were nearly completely white only retaining trace amounts of their usual aqua color, and the pupil was a sideways slit. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut as tears began to stream down her dirty cheeks. {Please gods, don't let me die here today... not by her... anyone but her...}


Arei was scrolling through his email humming along to a song on the radio when his phone rang. The screen identified the caller as Orion, so he quickly answered. "Hey how's pup sitting duty treating you?" He asked looking out the car window for the first time in a while. He arched a brow as he glanced down at the clock on the dash. {It's not quite eight thirty... it shouldn't be THIS dark...} He lowered down farther in the seat to get a better look at the sky. There seemed to be a storm moving in. {Hum... Oh well...}

[Did you hear anything I said? Where are you?] Orion's bombing voice brought Arei's attention back to the phone.

"Is it supposed to storm here today?" He asked.

[The fuck if I know?! Is Jos with you? Where are you guys right now?] Orion asked impatiently.

Arei frowned. "I'm sitting outside DeMarco's house right now, here in town. I thought you guys were going to meet us?" He glanced down at the timer. There was still twelve minutes left.

[We're on our way now! Something has came up! The Gin's parents called earlier. He was attacked and Shelly is missing. We suspect it was DeMarco's brother and there's a good possibility he may be there with her now.]

Arei watched as a gust of wind blew across the yard shaking the plants as it went. "Hum... attacked you say?"

[Goddammit! The boy was left for dead naked, pinned with a blade to the fucking bed post! His parents found him less than an hour ago!] Anger and irritation radiated through the phone.

The sky darkened and the breeze picked up. He turned down the radio and rolled down the windows of the car. He could hear the ocean from the front of the house building in anger. "Shit!" He said as he popped open the door of the car not bothering to turn the car off first. "Hurry! I think you may be right about the girl being here!" He answered as he ran through the yard toward the back of the house.

"Areion, What's happening? Where is Joslyn? She can't get into any more trouble! The council will not forgive her a second time!" Orion barked into the phone, but the call had already ended. "Fuck!" He growled as he slammed a large hand down onto the dash of Russ's car. He didn't take his eyes off the dash as he growled, "You better speed up if you don't want to see your girlfriend in a cell for the next one hundred years."

Russ gritted his teeth as he pressed down on the throttle.

Orion let out a heavy sigh, "When we get there it's very important you stay in the car, do you understand? You can not leave this car no matter what! If you see her approach, stay put! Don't let her into the car, don't get out of the car. If she has lost control, she won't be herself. She more than likely won't recognize you, and even though she may be in the form you're used to seeing her in, her mind may still be... lost..."

Russ frowned, "She would never hurt someone she loved. I know her well enough to know that."

Orion let out a sarcastic laugh, "If you think that then you don't know shit about her. Have you ever even seen her true form?"

The harsh lines of Russ's face deepened, "Not really... maybe once when I was a child... But I know her, and she's not a threat to anyone let along Shelly or me." He took a sharp turn into the private community. "I'm going in with you... If not for Jos then at least for my sister."

Orion gritted his teeth, "NO! You don't think she's a threat?" He chuckled in irritation glaring into the rearview mirror. "Then your guardian did a shit job of educating you." He held Raven's gaze as she set abnormally quiet in the back seat. "What? No snarky comment?" He called back to her when she didn't respond or even flinch.

They pulled in behind Arei's car and Russ slammed his into park. When he moved to open his door to follow Orion, Raven's hand shot out to stop him. She didn't say anything as she watched Orion disappear around the side of the large house. Once she was sure he wouldn't be able to hear what she had to say she turned toward Russ's angry, questioning gaze. "He's not wrong... I haven't been completely honest with you. You need to stay here and let him do his job."

Russ pulled loose of her grip, "No! I'm not staying in the damn car while the woman I love AND my sister are in there surrounded by fucking vampire psychopaths!"

Raven pushed her door open and leaped out quickly catching up with him and grabbing hold of his arm again. Her wings sprang out in a burst of wind sending dust up around them. " Don't make me force you to stop. Look at the sky, Russ, what do you see?" She didn't look away, instead, she watched as he looked from her to the thick black clouds that rolled over the roof of the house. "She is doing that."

His shocked eyes moved from the clouds to Raven's face. "I don't understand... I thought you said she was a siren... siren's can't control the weather... only the gods can... can't they?"

Raven let her wings retract. "I never said she was a siren... I said she was 'like a siren'…" Her sad eyes held his gaze as she tried to explain, to make him understand what even she had struggled for years to grasp. "The curse makes her different. She's unlike us, unlike all shape shifting creatures. When she shifts, she loses all sense of self. The monster takes over completely and she's unable to shift back until her emotions are regulated again." Raven looked away shame coloring her face. "I didn't want to tell you, but she is the one responsible for the murders that's been on the news lately."

A loud scream pierced the air drawing both their attentions toward the house. Russ grasped both Raven's shoulders. "I don't care what you say. That is my sister and the person I love in there." His gaze moved back to the house. "You say her shifts revolve around her emotions then fine. I'll just have to work harder to get her back." He laughed, "Hell, she deserves to knock me around a bit anyways with all the hell I've put her through lately." He shrugged and took off without another word toward the back of the house following the same path Orion had taken.

Raven shook her head, "If only it was that easy..." Instead of walking toward the back like the others she walked toward the front door. {Odd... No one has came out... It seems almost peaceful inside, actually...} As she pushed open the door an ominous calm filled the house. A light rain began to fall as the rolling cloud settled into the skies above. {Very odd...} She thought as she took a step inside.

edited 8/9/20 I can't wait to turn this into art as well! Jos's true form is going to be amazingly fun!

Jacquia_comicscreators' thoughts