

Li Xueyue realized how similar the archery competition was to the Spring Tournament in Wuyi. 

Clay plates would be tossed in the air, and each shattered plate was worth one point, but the flying pigeons were worth three points. She just wished the tournament would allow them to bring in horses, as it would make everything easier.

Running on point with a bow and arrow made it very challenging. But to Princess Mengjie, it was nothing. 

No matter where Li Xueyue walked or turned, clay plates would shatter on top of her. Pieces fell down, and she tried her best to avoid them and not get a cut. It was a dangerous situation, especially when it felt like the Princess was targeting her.

It had gotten to the point where Li Xueyue was able to detect when a plate would shatter. 

"That was close," she breathed out when a sharp piece nearly grazed her face.

Li Xueyue had allowed this attack to continue instead of calling foul. It didn't matter to her. 
