
All Night

"Please excuse me," Wen Jinkai politely murmured and left the tent before anyone could properly respond. He placed what he took from Xueyue into his pocket. He walked past his family's tent, a place he only stepped into when necessary. He couldn't even refer to the place as a family tent aside from the surname they shared.

If Duke Wen Xuan and his wives considered themselves as parents, then storms were light drizzles of rain. They were a joke of a parent to him, and as far as he was concerned, they were only his parents in name—even if Wen Jinkai had half of his father's genes.

Wen Jinkai lightly stepped up the stairs leading to the royal family, as if he was made to easily tread it. People always found this climb to be intimidating. Because after all, everyone could see whoever was on it. And with the Imperial Family gazing down, it felt like they were being judged. Not that he cared about mindless gossips or useless opinions.
