
Are you fucking with me

The fight went seemed like it was going on for years but it was going on for seconds many worlds were being destroyed with each class

Greed stole lifeforce from the planet to get stronger. But both weren't fighting seriously.

Eros through cation to the wind and entered his god form and once he did Greed powered up and their attacks started to destroy this universe.

As they class a figure watched them and didn't interfere

"haha you think you can keep dodging me faker take these Sloth Arrow strike now take Gluttony bottom's pit of arrows haha keep dodging move bitch"

"you bastard" Greed runs up to Eros with his spear "GIGA Spear Breaker " Eros dodges

"Ha is that the best" *bang* Greed shoots "Cocytus blast"

'shit if I didn't dodge that' one of Eros hands was gone'

Eros then knew he couldn't play any more he went full out and his hand regrown and started using other of his skills "Zeus godly might" Eros started throwing lightnighing bolts that could destroy souls

"Damn you don't you have any" he dodges bolts of lightning and explosions" of your own attacks" Greed said as he threw his spear at Eros and Eros then threw a Lust arrow at the spear "Attack Greed now the arrow changes directions and starts attacking Greed" You sun of ...I'm your master return to your senses and the Spear returns to his hand

Eros then says "Take this" he takes the sun and "SUPERNOVA " the Sun explodes "

"Oh dumbass why not try this BLACKHOLE"

Eros snears "you really are stupid this supernova is strong enough to become a blackhole and A star that is big enough to become a black hole after its collapse will have a much stronger gravitational field than the black hole it leaves behind afterwards, as a big part of its matter will be shot out into space in the supernova explosion.

The explosion is done both have missing body parts and face missing, Eros soul is fluttering and Greed body has holes all over it.

"AHHH I--I WILL NOT LOSE TO YOU LUSST" Greed charges all his remaining power into his ultimate spear technique and rushes towards Eros

"AHHH I WILL NOT LOSE TO YOU GREED" Eros charges all his powers into his bow and prepares to fire it

the person who is watching is smiling well he would be if he had a face "Good destroy each other cause despair haha" Right then "I'm hungry for you." Gluttony comes up and uses a devouring technique (a technique that summons a creature that can eat anything...think of it like summoning a kirby but Gluttony uses his own power to summon it)"NOW I CANT HOLD HIM FOR LONG"

EROS AND Greed nodded at each other Greed runs up to this Despair"Great chain of being" a huge chain appears and wraps itself around Despair. This chain is almost impossible to remove" damn it hes stronger than I thought Sloth, PRIDE"

"I got it ITERDIMENSION BREAK, GOD BREAKER, " Interdimension break breaks mind and body and split them into differernt Dimension but in a subspace so its harder to reunite..it makes the person weaker...god break destroys gods souls but if used with interdimension it breaks souls into different dimension because some gods are too powerful to break such as the sins.

At the same time Pride comes up injured "5 pillers of heaven trapping them all in differnt dimension but locked up here so they wont ever unite" Sweat came down on Wukong"I cant hold him much longer how powerful is this guy...EROS"


A stair way appears "First step is Pride" god of pride screamed "AHH

"then he said Our Father, You who dwell within the heavens

but are not circumscribed by them out of

Your greater love for Your first works above,

Praised be Your name and Your omnipotence,

by every creature, just as it is seemly

to offer thanks to Your sweet effluence.

Your kingdom's peace come unto us, for if

it does not come, then though we summon all

our force, we cannot reach it of our selves.

Just as Your angels, as they sing to you,

offer their wills to You as sacrifice,

so may men offer up their wills to You.

Give unto us this day the daily manna

without which he who labors most to move

ahead through this harsh wilderness falls back.

Even as we forgive all who have done

us injury, may You, benevolent,

forgive, and do not judge us by our worth.

Try not our strength, so easily subdued,

against the ancient foe, but set it free

from him who goads it to perversity."

Then Eros says "the second sin is Envy " as he steps on the 2nd step blood seems to be coming out of his mouth

Far away a boy could be seen mumbling in his sleep

"That river starts its miserable course

among foul hogs, more fit for acorns than

for food devised to serve the needs of man.

Then, as that stream descends, it comes on curs

that, though their force is feeble, snap and snarl;

scornful of them, it swerves its snout away.

And, downward, it flows on; and when that ditch,

ill-fated and accursed, grows wider, it

finds, more and more, the dogs becoming wolves.

Descending then through many dark ravines,

it comes on foxes so full of deceit

there is no trap that they cannot defeat."

"Third sin is Wrath" Eros eyes start to bleed as he takes the third sin

In a far away dimension Wrath says

Next I saw people whom the fire of wrath

had kindled, as they stoned a youth and kept

on shouting loudly to each other: Kill!

Kill! Kill! I saw him now, weighed down by death,

sink to the ground, although his eyes were bent

always on Heaven: they were Heaven's gates,

Praying to his Gods despite the torture,

to pardon those who were his persecutors;

his look was such that it unlocked compassion."

Eros then says "Fourth sin is Sloth" as he takes the forth step his hair fingers and legs start bleeding

Sloth then says

Since they had failed in life to act in pursuit of love,

here they are engaged in ceaseless activity.

Allegorically, spiritual laziness and

lack of caring lead to sadness.

Blessed are those who mourn,

for they will be comforted,"

Eros then says "fifth sin Avarice" his hair turns white and skin starts to tear

Greed then smiles and says

"The other, who once left his ship as prisoner

I see him sell his daughter, bargaining

as pirates haggle over female slaves.

O Avarice, my house is now your captive:

it traffics in the flesh of its own children

what more is left for you to do to us?

That past and future evil may seem less,

I see Him mocked a second time; I see

the vinegar and gall renewed and He

is slain between two thieves who're still alive.

And I see the new Ruler, one so cruel

that, still not sated, he, without decree,

carries his greedy sails into the Temple."

Eros then says "Sixth sin Gluttony " his bones start to break and he looks alot older

Gluttony then says

The flesh endures the storms of the present alone;

the mind, those of the past and,

future as well as the present.

Gluttony is a lust of the mind.

Eros then says final step Lust as he steps he he being seems to slowly hanging on

Eros then says

"There, on all sides, I can see every shade

move quickly to embrace another shade,

content they did not pause with their brief greeting,

as ants, in their dark company, will touch

their muzzles, each to each, perhaps to seek

news of their fortunes and their journeying s."

"DANTES INFERNAL "the seven says and the attacks happen.. A gates of hell appears taking that...Despair

and he is no where to be seen

"So he seems to have survived ..." Pride said wounded completely looking as bad as Eros

"well yeah..I couldn't seem to have thought he stay around" Sloth said

"well we have one way to win we have to blow up this dimension "

"yeah and lock it up so even once it is destroyed he wont be able to return for a long time and leave it to our next lives..." Sun Wukong said

"Well guys I know we had our disagreement but I'll miss you guys and hope in the future we will be closer"


"huh were going to sacrifice ourselves to him right"

"Yeah but what does that have to do with reincarnating?"



Eros then goes and says "were not all here I'm using 1% of my power "

Greed said "I'm using a fake body and 2% of my power

Gluttony said "fake body and 5% of my power

Sloth said "fake body 5 % of my power"

Everyone looks at Pride as he seems to get ready to run away

""""HAHA ARE YOU SAYING YOU CAME HERE AT 100% in your full body... are you stupid""""

"Shut up I always fight at 100 why would you do that anyway"

""""BECAUSE I CANT TRUST him/her"""""the pointed to each other

"We fought each other lots we know how they act"




"well no worries no worries you only be in a cave so nothing to worry about now we should go deal with this guy first "Eros says he then gave Pride his bow. Greed gave his gun, Sloth her book and Gluttony one of kirby's

"why are you giving me all this"

"oh our weapons can attivate. since you are stupid enough to be fully hear you'll be enough to kill him."


"theres no use for us to sacafice our power because you were stupid "

"""100 % agree"""

Before they could leave Pride activated the weapons and caused the dimension to be destroyed destroying the lot of them. "FUCK YOU GUYS" He says as his body disapeared he didn't know he left part of his soul in the sealed region so he returned...he was pissed off thinking he will get his revenge on those 4

***Eros dimension***

Eros then screamed "AHH"

Asuna asked what happened

"oh I died...damn that monkey ...well no use worrying I will get my powers back in a few months... the next world"

"oh and Aqua Greed destroyed the universe but I was able to transfer everyone and the gods to a new dimension ok"

"Greed I'll make sure to make you pay" the girls from this dimension were pissed off at greed haha

***Greed Dimension***

Damn that pride I am weaker but I was able to get your pride powers and also Lust's now all I need is that Envy...Where is that weirdo

***Gluttony Dimension***

Bored hungry.. brother Eros says to go eat this energy so I should try it out"

***Sloth Dimension ***

Big brother was so awesome but I nearly killed greed that asshole I will...ok well big brother says now he is able to have wives and will one day come find me so I should be prepared but he also say if I ever hurt the other girls he'll hate me...damn it...maybe i can try....

This isn't the first time they fault so they often use deception and stuff. sometimes they use mortals to challenge each other...

Where should they go next? I'll choose one of the ones in selection tomorrow. just will only choose one that is not everywhere on webnovel. the next chapter is harem list

DemonKingVancreators' thoughts