

編輯: Henyee Translations

Light glinted in Lu Haixuan's eyes. In the end, he let out peals of laughter. "Well, since Brother Chen had already made up his mind, I will not press you. However, I want to let you know that the Lu family's offer is always open for you."

One-Needle-Li and Miss Jin Yi shook their heads and heaved sighs.

Without the recipe, it would be difficult for them to reach a deal with Chen Fan. Although the Lesser Essence Enhancing Pills was a supreme-grade elixir, it was not impossible for the Li Family or the Medicine God Valley Sect to create them on their own.

From then on, Chen Fan outright ignored buyers trying to bargain with him with money. By now, money meant very little to Chen Fan. Ever since he started selling the Yun Wu Spirit Water, the number in his bank account had long since surpassed 10 digits. However, so far, Chen Fan had withdrawn none of it, instead; he had wired the money to Sister An, to fund her acquisition of vacant city plots.
