

As Zhu Long lept backwards, there was a small smile on his face. The Beast landed in front of the beast, smashing its arms towards Zhu Long, which it was only in vain as he had dodged it's attack. But, that wasn't the only attack, the beast continued to strike towards Zhu Long, each attack powerful enough to obliterate him, however, with increase in power of the beasts attacks, it's speed of attacking had decrease exponentially, making it easier for Zhu Long to dodge the beasts attacks, regardless of how powerful it is. 

As the beast continued to attack Zhu Long, Ku Wang sneaked towards the top of a nearby tree and started to chant some words. After a few chants, a fiery aura started to surround Ku Wang's body and a small flame appeared from his palms. Ku Wang stopped his chanting and looked towards his palm and started to concentrate on the small flame. Slowly, the flame started to move and change its shape. The flame started to turn extremely thick yet very long, it looked like a sewing needle that had been stretched. After a few more seconds, Ku Wang smiled as he looked towards the flame needle and looked towards Zhu Long, who was still dodging the beasts attacks. 'This beast seems like it can think only a little… intelligence is something that this beast lacks. The only reason that it would forget brother Ku. But this is an advantage for us, I have distracted this beast long enough for Brother Ku to get ready with his attack, now all I have to do is let brother Ku do his thing and if something unimaginable does happen, I will try to fix it.' Zhu Long thought as he noticed Ku Wang's gaze. He smiled and nodded towards Ku Wang, signaling that he was also ready.

Ku Wang nodded back and looked towards the sword that had been stabbed into the beast's back, more specifically the cut that the sword had caused. Ku Wang stared carefully towards the wound, searching for a small gap. 'That looks big enough!' He thought as he leaped towards the beast's back, aiming the flame needle that he had made just before towards the small gap caused by the sword that was plunged within it's back. Ku Wang stabbed the flame needle into the gap of the wound with as much power that he could muster up. The beast seemed like It didn't even notice the flame needle that had been stabbed into itself but it did feel Ku Wang's presence and quickly rotated back, striking towards Ku Wang.

"Argh!" Ku Wang cried in pain. He was so concentrated in stabbing the needle through the small gap that he didn't have enough time to dodge the attack from the beast, which made Ku Wang get thrown away and hit the tree where he was originally watching the beast from. A small trail of blood flowed down Ku Wang's mouth, his face pale and his expression cold. Ku Wang seemed to be really hurt from the beast's strike. "Brother Ku! Are you alright?!" Zhu Long's face was serious, it was his plan which caused Ku Wang to be in danger so Zhu Long felt responsible for any injury on Ku Wang's body. 'The beast cannot balance speed and power so that attack wasn't that powerful but still, it must have been painful. I'm sure that Brother Ku might have been able to dodge the beast's attack if he weren't so concentrated in placing the flame needle into the wound, where the sword had pierced the beast's back..' Ku Wang was concerned about Ku Wang as well as happy. He was concerned about the injury that Ku Wang might have gotten but he was also happy as he saw the needle had entered the beasts body.

Ku Wang tried to smile when he saw Zhu Long's concern, trying to calm him down. "Don't worry brother Lin, a blow like that can't kill me, You should start to worry about yourself now. I'll take a medicinal pill to heal my wounds, until I am healed enough, You are on your own. I'm sure that the beast will start to ignore me again. Plus, I've already done my job, All we have to do is wait.." Ku Wang said as a pill appeared from his hands. The pill had a soothing herbal aura, just a small whiff of the smell could make someone feel refreshed. Ku Wang stood up and retreated further behind the beast, until he felt like it was enough distance for him to escape if the beast were to change its mind and come after him. Ku Wang sat down and took the pill and started to meditate. 

Zhu Long calmed down when he saw that Ku Wang was fine and looked towards the beast. "I guess we do have to battle!" Zhu Long smiled, there was a hint of murderous intent within his eyes, which made Zhu Long look even more fierce.


Adventures of Detective Carter


A voice came from behind the car. I looked at the rear view mirror to see a lone woman, her clothes torn apart and she seemed to be breathing heavily. 

I got out of the car, and walked towards the woman, one hand on my gun, you never know if this is just a setup. It has happened many times to people, a girl runs towards them, asking for help. They get a feeling of being a hero and try to "save" the girl from the people that she was supposedly running from. But it turns out that the girl was one of the men and trick the victim and looted them, stealing all of their valuables.

I'm sure that this woman is also one of them, but still it might not be the case and this might not actually be a setup. No matter, I will just go with the flow and see where this leads to. If she is truly in danger, I can help her but if this is a setup, I guess I would have to take some measures.. But Killing is the last thing that I'd do to these low class criminals.

I walked upto the woman and observed her more closely. She seems to have some scratches on his body and his clothes seem to be ripped part by part very viciously. I shouldn't jump to conclusions right now. I'll just have to question her.

"Excuse me mam, Are you alright?"' I was in a calming tone. Who knows, this might be a real seniario and using a harsher tone might just frighten this woman more, on the plus side, if this is a trick, they would just belive that I am just some dumb person, trying to play hero.

"Please! Help me! Those people are after me… they.. They want to do some bad things with me…" The girl said in a frightened tone to me. Even though I wasn't much of an expression reader like my mate Brad, I could see that there was actual fear within this woman's eyes.

"Maam, Please come with me in the car. I will take you to the police." I tried to calm the woman down. This seemed like a true case, so I had to take her to the police station and let those guys handle this. It's not my job anyways. This would just delay my meeting the those mobsters and that would lead to another problem.

The woman looked towards me, and hesitated. I could see that she was extremely afraid so I told her,"Don't worry, Trust me." The woman looked towards the car and nodded slowly. "Okay, I'll take you to the police station in no time, just follow me and enter the passenger seat." I tried to calm the woman down with a friendly tone. But as soon as he opened the door, a shout came from the end of the alley way. "Where is that bitch?! How could you have lost her!" A low pitched voice said. "I'm sorry boss, She just disappeared.. But .. But I know that this is the path that he took, there are some of her clothes on the ground see!" another voice replied in a scared tone. "Humph! If you don't find her, I won't be able to enjoy myself tonight! If that does happen, just be sure that you will have to watch me have some fun with that sister of yours hahaaha!" The voice continued with a devilish tone.

I looked towards the woman, who was now seating in the passenger seat, beside me. It seemed like she was the girl they were talking about. And it looked like she was very scared of the man who I would assume to be the leader, maybe a spoilt rich brat. I shook my head and glanced at the woman once more, trying to tell her that she was safe, then I turned my car on and got ready to drive


Will do longer chapters from now on!

I've also started to write the small side stories at the bottom of each chapter(Hope for it to be each chapter haha) as It just helps my mind calm down and relax from thinking about my actual story.

Don't worry, the stories will only be a few hundred words so the novel will continue with the same amount of content that it always had so people can just skip the story at the bottom and just read the content of the novel.

Thanks for reading and also supporting me!

I've been wishing to reach the top 500 in power ranks so let's see if we can reach that goal! It is the weekly reset so now would be the perfect time. You guys aren't obliged to vote, but it would be appreciated if you did.

Highest rank I have reached yet = 750.

Ripcorezcreators' thoughts