
The Gate

"Finally," I said loudly as half an hour was over.

I stepped out of the gazebo and looked at the Primes.

They are scanning two people. I wanted to give these bastards a middle finger, but that wouldn't be wise.

So, I simply gave them a look before walking toward the compound. I wanted to run toward it, but I controlled my gait and walked toward it casually.

It made seconds feel like an hour.

Time seemed to pass even slower than it had in the gazebo where I was worried about every second about being found out.

Finally, I had reached the compound.

It took great willpower to take the step forward as casually as possible.

The test didn't end after passing the last prime. It continues till one, enters the compound.

Those bastards watch every movement till them.

I entered inside and worried, I had disappeared. Here, I am safe. Nobody would be able to do anything to me, even if they found out who I am.
