


I appeared beside the door and opened it. There was a man, who once again politely rang the door of my hope.

I thought he would summon me, but he came personally and quickly.

It had not been even half an hour since Manya had left.

"Prime Volsnorth, what a great surprise," I said, and the man just rolled his eyes.

"Come in please," I added, and the man walked inside a moment later.

"Happy birthday, Micheal. Sorry for coming uninvited," he said.

"It's no bother. I am sure, it must be really important, for Prime like yourself comes personally instead of summoning me," I said, and a smile cracked on the old man's face.

"You know, nectar is the high restricted substance. You should inform the organization, the moment, you found it," he said as he sat down.

"I would have, but the rules stated it is for Prime Grade Nectar," I replied innocently, and the man rolled his eyes once again.
