

Three minutes passed by, and I have less than 1% of the Energy remained in my storage; every moment, the huge amount of Energy would move out of my storage, and nearly the exact amount would fill in the next moment.

After digging out every bit of willpower I have, I can barely refine the Energy I am expanding. 

It is taking everything I have, and my head is hurting as it had never hurt before, and I want to let off everything, but I did not; I have still a Ghoul to defeat, and until I do that, I will not stop, no matter how much my head hurts.

Clang Clang Clang…

The Ghoul is still surrounded by the thirty-six vines which are attacking it crazily. It isn't easy to concentrate when one's head hurts like mad, but I am doing it and hoping one of my vines would pierce it, luckily, so I could let go of everything.
