

Three days had passed, and this is an evening of the fourth; just a few hours ago, we finished sacking up the whole store, and now we are sitting in a simple tent, eating dinner.

We did not want to use Space Abode or any other abode that might interfere with the homing device that will call us back home. I have been in this Ruin for a month and got many good things, but it is now time to go home.

"I will miss the food you cooked very dearly, Micheal," Mary said as she puts her fork down and laid back on her chair, "The other food is trash compared to what you cook; it will suck." She said in a complaining voice.

"You will be fine in a few days," I said; the regular food will taste bad for few days before she gets used to it.

"What are you going to do after you return, stay in Fort Ardon or return to the Academy?" She asked suddenly, I have not really throught about it but now she asked, it made me think.
