
Intense Battle II

I have to think of the way quickly if my sword clashed against the Warhammer in this condition then having serious injury will be least of my worries.

I can use that! I thought as multiple ways to deal with the Warhammer flashed in my mind.

This is going to hurt me badly! I thought as I moved my sword a little so, the tip of my sword would clash against the Warhammer not it's blade.


Crack! Thud thud….Puh Puh…..

Just as the tip of my sword touched the Warhammer, I released the Point Inferno which I had already stored earlier. 

As I released the point inferno, a loud boom occurred but at the same time, an immense force traveled inside me which made vomit blood, crack the bones and injured my internal organs before I could stop that energy.

That was for the normal force, there is occult energy which had entered inside me which I had asked Ashlyn to burned it off.
