
V. I Chapter 11: Coincidence? Of Course Not

"You came to work," Jaeyline said, surprise in her voice. "You could have taken the day off."

"My personal matters should be no excuse for missing work, Miss Jaeyline," Ciel replied playfully. "What do you need me to do?"

"Go home."

"I assure you I'm fine--"

"No, go home and pack," she explained. "I was invited to America. The United States. It's winter, but I hear California is rather warm even during this time of year."

Ciel nodded, understanding. He hid a smile as he walked out of the office, calling, "I'll go pack now. Send me the time we need to get there and I'll pick you up." He knew why she'd done this, accepted a overseas trip to the States. Because the States were far away from his mother.

"Be safe! See you then!" she called.

Ciel drove home quickly, but well within the speed limit. "I'm home!" he called as he locked the front door behind him.

"What're you doing back so early?" asked Laksa, appearing at the top of the stairs. He slid down the banister as Ciel hung his jacket on one of the pegs by the door.

"I need to pack for a business trip. I'll be out of here before the day ends," Ciel explained as the two walked up the stairs together. "We're going to the States."

Laksa smiled. "Have fun."

"I will. Is there anything you want me to get you?" Ciel asked, loosening his tie.

"Not really. Surprise me."

Ciel unbuttoned his crisp white shirt and slid it off his shoulders, tossing it into the dirty laundry basket laying in a corner.

"You haven't even been in that thing for three hours? Why are you changing?" Laksa asked.

Ciel raised an eyebrow. "Did you think I'm going to ride a ten hour flight in that uncomfortable thing?" he inquired.

Laksa grinned. "I guess not."

"Can you pack my guns? In the silver case, please, the flatter one."

Laksa nodded.

Ciel walked into the joined walk-in closet for both his and Laksa's rooms and flitted to the crisp white shirts folded on the shelves. He had a shelf where they were stiff-collared and starched, then he had a shelf with a bit more flexibility, then he had the casual collared shirts, some denim, some cotton, all very comfortable.

Ciel changed into one on the second shelf, which were still dress shirts, but made out of a softer and less crispy material. He changed his dress shoes for ones with a bit more padding inside and started tossing a variety of folded clothing into the empty black suitcase laying on the bed.

"Here you go. I put all of the guns that fit the imprint in the case. Not to mention your model labels did help," huffed Laksa, heaving the case on the bed.

"Oh, come on. It's not that heavy," Ciel said wryly. He shoved a bag of toiletries, a disposable toothbrush, floss, mouthwash, razor, et cetera. He tossed a box of contacts next, in case he lost his glasses, along with several clips and hair ties.

After double and triple-checking he had everything he needed for work as well, he closed the case and flicked the clasps.

"It's going to be lonely while you're gone," sighed Laksa. "But I suppose food and candy wrappers can keep me company."

"No, while I'm gone, you're going to get a job instead of freeloading," Ciel corrected, smiling slightly.

"Come on! You have enough money saved up to support a family of seven, live in a penthouse, and buy everyone a Ferrari, and STILL live in luxury," he complained.

Ciel just chuckled as he left the room and moved downstairs, where the propped the suitcase by the stairs and plopped down on the couch. Laksa sat down, too, and Ciel threw a pillow over his brother's lap before laying his head down on it. "I'm paying for the insane amount of food you inhale every day. You owe me," he said, cracking one eye before closing it. Within seconds, he was asleep.

Laksa sighed and pet Ciel's hair as he slept. They actually seemed to swap being big and little brother, but they both were very protective of each other. Laksa knew that Ciel was getting more and more tired, because of his mother, because of work, and because of him. Laksa smiled a bit. He took his phone from his pocket, careful not to wake Ciel. "Hello? This is Laksa. "Yes. Please find one for me as soon as you can. Oh, and keep this on the D.L. Everything. Thank you." Laksa hung up. He pet Ciel's hair again.

And smiled.


Ciel slept for hours, waking up to the smell of food. "Mmmmm..."

"Awake? I was starting to think you turned into a sack of potatoes," Laksa called.

"Very funny."

"Your phone rang, so I answered. The flight leaves in three hours, which means you'll leave in thirty to pick Jaeyline up. In the meantime, you'll eat." Laksa served up the small meal he'd whipped up.

Ciel watched the clock as he ate the Alfredo.

"Stay safe," called Laksa as Ciel walked from the room, wheeling the suitcase after him.

"I will!" Ciel answered. He put the case in the trunk, checking the gun case to make sure everything was there. He had to admit: Laksa was a damn good gun organizer, and he picked the right case.

Ciel owned several cases like that one, all with different gun imprints for different jobs. In this one, he had both of his Desert Eagles, two other handguns, and his Hecate, which was customized to separate into pieces so it was easier to carry.

Then Ciel remembered. Laksa was the son of the European mafia. Of course he would be familiar with guns and which ones benefited certain missions.

Ciel sighed. His whole family was screwed up. His father left his mother after giving her a child to take care of, his mother was dead set on making her son a gay, his brother was going to be a Mafia boss, and he'd never seen his sister before, but Laksa had told him she was in love with him.

It took barely twenty minutes to drive to Jaeyline's house. The servants and guards let him in immediately, which made him doubt the security a bit, but he drove right up to the front of the mansion.

He liked having plenty of space to do things he liked, but that was a bit overkill.

"You're here!" Jaeyline ran at him, throwing her arms around his neck.

Ciel stepped back in surprise, wrapping his arms around her to keep his balance. He laughed. "What's with the greeting," he breathed, patting her back.

"Just excited. I've never been to the west coast of the United States."

"I've never been outside of Eurasia," admitted Ciel. "This is a first for me."

"So... this is the amazing bodyguard/assistant/CEO/dense-boy-who-doesn't-understand-feelings, is it?"

Ciel looked up to find a young man with Jaeyline's platinum blonde hair, but his eyes were a soulful shade of brown. He smiled, but remained on guard as he offered his hand to the man. "Ciel Michaelis. Pleasure to meet you..."

"I'm the former chairman," the man said.

"No, you're not," Ciel replied. "I met the chairman and he told me that I would be second to none except his daughter wherever I went in LEO Corp. I'll ask you directly this time. Who are you?"

The man lunged, grabbed Jaeyline, and yanked her to him.

Ciel drew the gun in his jacket and stepped forward, knocking the man's gun aside with his arm as he raised the gun to his forehead. "You lost. Now tell me who you are before I really get serious."

"Stop it, Orion," Jaeyline hissed, shoving the man off. "I'm very sorry, Ciel. This is Orion Cordelia, my little brother."

"At your service," said Orion, tucking the gun back in his pocket. "Hey! Ina! Jaeyline's friend is here!"

Ciel heard footsteps before a tall woman stepped out of the house, with caramel brown hair and Jaeyline's pretty eyes. "Good evening," he said, bowing. "I am Ciel Michaelis."

"I am Ina Cordelia, the eldest of the Cordelia children." She looked Ciel over, from his unclipped hair to the gun in his hand to his slightly wary stance to his eyes darting from her to the surroundings to her again. Ina laughed. "He's a good person. Strong bones, probably nimble, and knows who he's doing in the bodyguard business."

"With all due respect, Miss Cordelia, how do you know that for sure?" Ciel asked, putting his gun back in his jacket.

"I know you have strong bones because of the way you hold yourself. You don't slump, but hold yourself to your full height. That also tells me that you are rather proud, but the politeness you have evens that out. Also, your cheekbones are very delicately placed. You could probably be a woman if you wanted to."

Ciel almost winced. No one knew that better than his mother.

"I knew you're nimble because of your slenderness. I know you're strong. If I had to guess, you're actually quite well built, but you purposely keep your outward appearance slim. Also, to beat Orion, you have to be quite fast. He's not strong, but that bugger is quick."

"Once again with all due respect, it wasn't that hard," Ciel replied with a wry smile.

"And I know you'd be a good bodyguard because you didn't put your gun away, even after both of us introduced ourselves. Are you going to use that?" she asked.

Ciel sighed wryly. He tucked the three thin needles back in his jacket. "You are quite perceptive."

"You have to be in this business."

"That's enough! We need to get going!" Jaeyline suddenly burst. "Come on! We need to go!"

"Wait, please, Mr. Ciel."

Ciel looked up and found Moray Cordelia standing in the doorway. He put his right fist in his left palm and dipped his head. "Former President."

"There's no need to do that, Mr. Ciel. Just call me Moray. I just want to ask you a favor." The two Cordelia siblings suddenly bowed at the waist as their father copied Ciel's position. "Please," they said. "Please keep Jaeyline safe. Please make her happy."

Ciel understood what they were saying almost immediately. He bit his lip. Even if what he felt for her was love, did he have a right to drag her into his fight with his mother? Of course not. He would never put anyone through what he went through. He smiled, but there was an edge of sadness. "Of course. Anyone who wishes her harm will have to step over my dead body." He turned his back to the Cordelias. He smiled at Jaeyline with that same sad look. "Let's go," he said.

She smiled so brightly not even the descending sun above could compete. "Yes! Let's go!"


"It's almost Christmas. It's almost midnight... how is it still this hot?!" Ciel complained.

Jaeyline giggled. "Looks like I found your weakness. Heat."

"It's not just hot here! It feels as if it's high noon, with the sun beating down on us, but there is no sun! It's almost pitch black here, but it still feels like I'm being roasted." Ciel loosened his tie, unbuttoning his dress shirt by three and fanning himself. "It's like being in a crowded room, with a bunch of sweaty, hot bodies surrounding you."

"Is that your greatest fear?" Jaeyline asked before she could stop herself.

"No. My greatest fear is human touch."

Jaeyline frowned. She'd touched him often, without warning, and he was was always polite. But he remembered the few times when he'd slapped her hand away, or jumped back like a spooked animal. "Does that have to do with why you were beaten yesterday?"

Ciel nodded. He looked up at the hotel they were approaching. "This is ours. Our room is thirteen hundred fifty three. I specifically booked a corner room, just in case."

"What does a corner room have to do with safety?" Jaeyline asked.

Ciel laughed. "Well, if I had to rescue you, there are more hand and footholds when you have two surfaces to use."

"You would climb down the building?"


They both laughed as they walked up into the elevator. It was fast, in only about thirty seconds, it had already reached the thirteenth floor.

"Straight ahead, then take a left. All the way to the end."

"Something feels weird. I know it's just about midnight, but don't you think there would be at least someone up here moving around? Why is it completely empty?"

Ciel smiled mischievously behind her. He leaned forward, until his mouth was almost touching her ear. "Are you afraid of ghosts, Jaeyline?" he whispered. He very nearly burst out laughing as she jumped and sprang away from him. "Sorry. It was a chance I wasn't going to miss."

In truth, he was trying to calm her, because he, too sensed something strange on that floor. He'd seen something strange in the elevator, but he couldn't put his finger on it. "Come on. Here's the room. You'll sleep in the exact corner, and I'll be to the left." Ciel was silent for a few moments before he sighed. "I can't believe it. Come on out."

A figure seemingly appeared in the hallway. "Damn. I thought I was going so well."

"Well... isn't this a coincidence?" Jaeyline asked.

Ciel sighed again, rubbing his temples. "Of course not," he and Laksa said together. "I was worried that your room joined to both of the rooms on either side, but I guess that worry was proven wrong. I'll be on the left, and Laksa will be on the right. Please keep the adjoining doors unlocked, but closed. And if that moron goes into your room, flip him out of the window."

"Will do. Good night, Ciel, Laksa."

Ciel waited until he heard the lock click on Jaeyline's room door before glancing at his brother. "Why am I not surprised you followed us?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," sniffed Laksa. Then he cracked a smile. "See you in the morning, Big Brother."

Ciel just sighed again, smiling, before both he and his brother went into their rooms.

"Coincidence?" Jaeyline had asked.

Both Laksa and Ciel snorted in their separate rooms. "Of course not."




Orion Maven Cordelia - M - 26 years old

Likes: chocolate, sweets, bugs, the anaconda he has as a pet named Betty.

Dislikes: people who kill his bugs, bitter food and drink, grapes, clingy women.

Strengths: killing bugs, public speaking, styling people's hair, giving people orders.

Weaknesses: one-on-one conversations, styling his own hair, taking orders.

*He doesn't like women because of how much perfume they wear. He has a sensitive nose. That's also how he chooses chocolate.*

I'm sorry for not updating sooner, but I almost died on a ski slope, so I was out of it for a bit. Thanks so much for reading, and I'll try to recover quickly. Look forward to another episode, and remember Ciel's Mother's party is coming up!

Love_XYZcreators' thoughts