
Draco's quest

We finally arrived at Draco house Draco sits us down showing us a map he starts pointing at 2 locations.wait I yell but there's 3 of us that means one of us will have a partner the other will not. Draco looks at me with a "you know " face and I said fine I will go by myself. After that asena and jai go east while I go north wishing each other well.i head to a cave. Of course it's a cave I quickly say it has to be a cave. I head in the cave to look for a chest. Now that I think about it Draco never told me what's in the chest, well I guess there is only one way to find out. I go into this dark room where I see some sort of puzzle I quickly look at it stumped thinking about what it could mean. I look at a door and try to open it. It won't budge well I'm going to have to figure this puzzle out. I start thinking looking at the puzzle I realized that there is a stone in the middle with a hole in it. I take out my green gem from my pocket. Well it's worth a try.I put the gem in the stone and stood still. Well that did not work I say while bending over to grab my gem but then the door opens and I was shocked. I go through the door. Oh god why! I yell while looking at more than 20 rabbits why did it have to be my number one fear I quickly step backwards towards the door when suddenly it closes. Well I hope that asena and jai are having a better time.
