

the day after I found my neighbour Prerna and Samar together, I called Samar..he picked up, I said "Samar can you please come to the terrace now!?" he was confused when he heard my serious voice he said "what happened babe, is everything alright..are you missing me so much... look I know I couldn't make it yesterday but u know u can come over to my place..to..u know what I mean right..I am really missing you..." , he was trying to be romantic but he didn't know that I was raging with anger but I composed myself and told him " ok I'll come to your place" I didn't want him to doubt that I know about Prerna and him and to see his reaction when i ask him. so I went to his place..as soon as I entered he had a charming smile on his face but he was unaware of the fact that I was so angry at him that none of his charms or seductive talk would affect me.. he was about to kiss me when I stopped him and asked him directly "why do you everyday go to terrace to meet Prerna?!" he was shocked and confused..for sometime he didn't know what to say..he had become emotionless..I wasn't able to predict what did he have in his mind. after a long moment of silence he finally spoke...he said " do you trust me?" to that I replied "I used to Samar...I used to trust you when in my birthday party I saw u guys walking hand in hand I couldn't believe my eyes..I thought I was overreacting but then I saw you almost everyday meeting her at the terrace...u stopped spending time with me...I knew u were in terrace with her but I didn't have the guts to see what you guys were doing Samar...if you still want to prove Ur self then honestly tell me what is going on between Prerna and u.. and please be honest" to this he immediately retaliated with anger,he said "don't u dare question about Prerna and my relationship! u have no rights..!! how the hell are you to ask me...tell me about urself, about Ur character...as though u are so innocent..." when I heard these words I fell numb for sometime..this was the first time that he shouted at me, not only that but he questioned my character without any prove....I got angry and I said " u can't judge my character Samar..I never saw any guy more than a friend other than u...Ur the only one whom I gave my heart to..how could u even say that! u know what now I am 100% sure Prerna and u are in a relationship... and u are cheating me" as soon as I finished saying this something really shocking and unexpected thing happened... that had shaken me completely... after I lashed out at him, he slapped me....yes the love of my life slapped me! after that all I could do was see him in shock...he cheated me,judged my character inspite of me being truthful and loyal to him and the most devastating part was he hurt my self respect by slapping me..that was it... after that I said "thanks so much Samar for making me realise that I made the biggest mistake in my life by trusting u and thinking that u love me... thanks so much and from now on we are done.. good bye Samar..I will never ever ever come back to you"
