
The twin's master !

The next day Tang han woke up discovering his brother brushing the hair of Xiao Wu and wanted to laugh at how his brother was being tamed by that girl but Tang san stared at him like he wanted to say "if you laugh even a little i will make you bald when you will sleep tonight" with an evil smile that send chills at him.

Thirty minutes later they went to the first class they had with a spirit master who made Tang han angry...

-If the spirit is a "junk spirit" then no matter how high the essence it will remain useless

-Sorry miss but i disagree with you , there are no junk spirit , just junk people !

-Hahaha hey little man stop being a dunce a junk spirit will always be a junk spirit !

-Then it's normal that you are still weak even thought you look old enough to be my grandmother !

-You... !

Ashamed of herself being "weak" she went out of the classroom while sending a death glare at Tang han , Tang san , him ruminate at what his brother told the teacher and found his reasoning quite logical , he think that even though a "junk spirit" is weak in the beginning with enough training and grasping the strong point of each spirit , that "junk spirit" could become a deathly weapon.

Without anyone being aware , a man stared at Tang han with a king stare hearing what he said before going to the school cafeteria.

Tang han and his fellow classmates went to the cafeteria , Xiao Wu being herself asked if there were any carrots in the cafeteria before a boy with an arrogant tone made angry everyone.

-Lunch is leftovers ! Are you happy poor little ants ? HO ? there is a cute loli between the losers but well too bad she's also a loser haha !

-Wanna die ?!

In and instant Xiao Wu went in front of the arrogant boy before trying to slap him in the face but he protected himself with his shield spirit then another boy who was sleeping behind the spoiled shield woke up and tried to attack Xiao Wu , The brothers predicted something like that would happened when they heard the spoiled brat so they were fast to respond.

Tang san blocked the staff spirit the second boy and Tang han went to attack him with a Wakizashi out of nowhere(a Japanese little sword) and cut the boy's arm's nerve that held his staff, having his arm's nerve cut he couldn't wield his staff anymore for a couple of days or even weeks , giving Xiao Wu enough time for her to slap the arrogant boy in his face.

-What a bunch of useless brats , being arrogant but not even knowing how to fight !

-You..! Do you know what happen when someone defy me ?

-Stop ! No personal fights within the campus !

-Teacher !

Suddenly the man who stared kindly at Tang han earlier who happens to be a teacher stopped the fight before the fight degenerate.

-You ! go to the infirmary to heal your arm's wound , You and you come with me !

The teacher pointed at Tang han and Tang san telling them to follow him to his office , the vibes were quite tense in the teacher's office before he started to talk.

-Apart from the spirit river grass , what is your other spirit ?

The brothers were surprised before they didn't tell anyone about that and stared at each other before nodding , Tang han took his Wakizashi secretly waiting to know what his purpose was and Tang san took a little knife that was is the table nearby him. The vibes between them cas even more tense than before.

-How do you know ?

-According to my research , people with essence harmonisation are extremely rare , and to have river grass and essence harmonisation , apart from you there are no others !

From the level of essence and the quality of the spirit , There is no way that the river grass can support 'essence harmonisation' So you mus have 2 natural spirits! Which means the other one ... must be very strong !

-What do you want ?

-I want you to be my apprentice ! i value the theoretical and i believe my life's research is actually incredibly useful don't you think ?

Tang han stared at him before testing him

-Everyone says that my bro's river grass is a junk spirit , can junk spirits be trained ?

-Like you said to the other teacher before , i also believe the are no junk spirit , just junk people!

The brother nodded at each before Tang san knelt paying his respect at his master.

-Kneeling is for parents and kings. There's no need for that.

-One day a master , second father for life! I want to be your apprentice!

-Hahaha , then take that , this belt is an essence tool it can store many things in it.

-Thank you master !

His master showed how the belt worked before giving it to Tans san.

-Teacher I want to show you my second spirit. It's this little hammer.

Watching the little hammer , his master dropped multiple books before exclaiming aloud:

-That's ... the hammer of Wu ! What's happening , Tang san , ("TANG SAN OF COURSE")Who else have seen this spirit ?

-Apart from you , only my dad and brother.

-Don't use it before you're very strong , in the mean time hide it using this technique.

His master showed him how to hide his spirit and like that the hammer symbol on Tang San's left hand disappeared , his master remembered what he wanted to ask to Tang Han after a short while.

-You , What is your spirit ?

-Ho , it's this little skeleton.

Tang Han showed his skeleton to his bro's master with a little apprehension because he wanted to know what his spirit was.

-What the hell ? I don't know what spirit is it ? But i can say one thing , your spirit is extremely powerful even while it need something to be complete surely spirit rings , mmmh i think your spirit is a defensive and a supreme attack spirit that can maybe grow even more powerful. Your spirit would be terrifying in 15 or 20 years, do you want to be my apprentice too ? i'm interested in your spirit.

-mmh ... Very well greeting to master !

Like Tang san , Tang Han knelt paying his respect to his newly master.

-Haha finally i have apprentices worthy of my title "Spirit master's number one philosopher" !

Tomorrow we're going to the spirit forest and kill an essence monster for you two so prepare yourself.

-Understood master.

-Teacher , I have something to do , please give me 2 day.

-Okay then we'll go in 2 days.

haha sorry , i had something to do at home and has to delay the release of the chapter sorry !

Tomorrow i will try to release 2 chapters or even three!

By the way i live in France ! ;)

Next release we will where the short sword is from and the twins will have their first spirit ring with a little surprise to Tang Han's spirit ! :D

ted92dricreators' thoughts