
I have vacation

Laila squeezed the Porsche's accelerator and shot across the highway. Let's get it over with. Actually, it was clear that the farm was out of the question. She did not want to disappoint Benedict.

He'd done too much for her over the last few years, never had he lost in his efforts, even though Tamara had returned home safe and sound for a long time. He was a loyal and loyal soul. Laila could not understand why she had not liked him when she met him.

Much had happened in the meantime. But Benedict has always been her rock solid. They regularly spent Christmas and the New Year together. Laila guessed he was secretly on her. Never did he even make the slightest attempt for an approach. He probably thought that an attractive woman like her was not interested in a below-average-looking freak.

Conversely, Laila thought that a highly intelligent and educated man like Benedict was not interested in an average-trained contract killer. Their relationship, if one could call it that, was at a dead end.

Laila rammed the gas pedal against the floor panel and enjoyed the speed on the straight stretch. Far and wide no car to see. Since Laila practised sexual abstinence in recent years, the rush of speed, the roar of the engine, was the only sensual experience she would ever enjoy.

Sometimes she drove the car to the limits of its capacity and thus to the limits of her driving skills. Then she had the feeling of flying and left everything behind. Her job, her nightmares, her bad conscience, the ram man and even Benedict. Sometimes, as she rushed with the Porsche, she was overcome by a yearning for death. How easy it would be to put the cart over the next cliff or in front of the next tree. Bang - and she would find peace.

Most of the time a picture of Jessica or Benedict appeared in her head and she took her foot off the gas pedal. This time she was interrupted by the ringing of her mobile phone. Laila slowed the Porsche to 60 km / h and looked at the display. Benedict.

"Well, what is my favourite programmer doing?"

"We have an order."

"No interest."

"Laila, that's different than usual."

"It's always the same, Benedict."

"Maybe, but this time the starting conditions are different."

"I hear."

"We have been commissioned by a group."

"Aha, Black Sabbath?"

"Very funny."

"Or no angels?"

"Laila, seriously, this time it's a group of parents, I've been accompanying them in a forum, all their children have disappeared without a trace in the last three years, no witnesses or clues, no bodies have ever been found."

"Like Danielle." Laila whispered.

"Exactly, I'll arrange a meeting."


"No?" Laila steered the Porsche on the shoulder and stopped. "That would be a gross violation of our previous approach."

"Laila, maybe we'll come across similarities, maybe it's a serial killer."

Laila lit a cigarette. "I do not want to contact my clients."

"I know, but interviewing is unavoidable, I can not do it alone or online, we need to meet." Laila hesitated. "When?"

"At least two months will pass before I have researched all the cases, until we have found a joint appointment, maybe another four weeks. Give yourself a break, before our last case." Laila saw in the rear view mirror how a car approached quickly. "OK, last job, then I'll close."

"Good, I'll get back to you." Benedict hung up. Laila saw that the car stopped behind her on the shoulder. A man in uniform got out. "Shit, bullshit." Laila dropped the butt. The man stepped to Laila's side and tapped two fingers on the brim of his beige Stetson. Probably the village Sheriff. "Mam?"

Laila bored her cell phone in the passenger seat. "What's the officer?"

"About 20 kilometres ago you overtook me in a monkey tooth." He drew a block. "Then you apparently phoned illegally while driving, you are parked on the side of the road and ..." He looked at the still smouldering butt at his feet. "... and violate the Pollution Law." Laila gave him an innocent look.

"I'm in a very tense situation, maybe I was a bit too fast, maybe ..." He interrupted her. "Your papers please." Laila opened the glove box and handed him her driver's license and car papers. The officer took a step back. "Please get off, Belinda Hammersfield." Laila swung her long legs out of the Porsche and stood close to the officer.

She was glad that she wore a light summer dress, which brought her figure to advantage. Although the vanilla-coloured fabric did not go well with the cream-coloured leather of the Porsche, it made a lovely contrast to its tanned skin.

Laila eyed the officer. He was taller than her, in his mid-thirties. His straw-coloured hair was thick, he wore it short at the sides and combed back the top hair. He had a well-cut face with Gray eyes and a slim figure.

Not bad, Laila thought. Maybe the time of austerity was over. The officer studied Laila's papers. She leaned against the fender of the Porsche. "Hey, it's such a great day, can not you turn a blind eye?" The officer looked at her seriously. "Even if I shake both eyes, I still feel the wind of her Porsche and smell the smoke of her cigarette."

Well, he wanted to be conquered. Laila did him the flavor. She held out his crossed wrists. "Well, then with the handcuffs, I stand on bondage games." He avoided her provocative look. "Um, actually I'm not on duty." In pretended indignation, Laila put her hands on her hips. "And why are we both standing here nowhere?"

Timidly, he let his fingers slide over the burgundy red of the Porsche. "I have never seen anything like this before." He gave Laila a quick look. "Something so nice." His cheeks were flushed with blazing redness. Laila was amused. An unspoiled land was in front of her.

Shit, where was it? "Aha, and how is it going now?" The bumpkin shrugged, his eyes fixed on the body of the Porsche. "Do you want to drive this thing?" He looked at Laila with wide eyes. "You're kidding."

"Do you want to ride him or not, Cowboy?" Suspicious, he grimaced. "Do you want to bribe me?"

"Would I be successful?"

"I have to check your papers."

"OK, after driving the Porsche?" He looked at the pale blue Dodge. "This is my private car."

Laila chuckled. "Everybody makes mistakes."

"You have to follow me."

"Wherever you want."

"I have my office in my house." He spread his arms apologetically. "Cestohowa is just a tiny town, with about 110 inhabitants, we can not afford a police station."

"How do you prevent me from driving up and away from your bowl? " Laila folded his arms and looked at him amused. "I have your papers."

"Aha." Laila could barely resist a laugh. He thought hard. "We could swap the cars and you drive after me."

"Wow, Officer, are you kidding me?" Laila's mouth began to twitch. Only with difficulty did she control herself so as not to laugh in his face. "No, no, I, uh ..., I have to check your things." He rubbed his way through thick hair.

It was crisscrossing his head. He did not look like thirty, he looked like twenty - at most. "Well, so, my things." Laila raised his arms and slowly began to turn in front of him. "Then you must surely search me for things?" Laila smiled at him. The urge to simply burst out was overpowering. "Where do you want to hide something under the thin flag?" He was genuinely baffled.

Laila's self-control was gone. She cringed with laughter. To her surprise, the Sunny boy joined in.

Breathing heavily and with tears in her eyes she looked at him. "You have to think I'm quite a fool, right?" He gave her a bright smile. "Excuse me please." Laila was still chuckling.

"I really did not mean to laugh at you, but the thin flag gave me the rest."

"Well, I usually see farmers and cows here, so you're overloading your eyes, so to speak." Laila chuckled again. "Ah, then you should arrest and imprison me." "Yes, so the men in the area do not stammer as much nonsense as I do when they see you." He grinned. "Why are not you on duty, Officer?" "I have vacation."

"Such a coincidence, me too."

"But you are totally wrong with us, no hotels, no guest rooms, maybe you can stay on a farm." He scrutinised Laila doubtfully. "But you will not be able to offer much comfort."

"Fresh air, ..." Laila spread her arms. "Everywhere is fertilised." Laila dropped her arms. "How do you want to make it up to you? " He looked at Laila helplessly.

"How? Oh!" His voice expressed serious regret. "I'm sorry ... I wanted ..." Laila considered. "I know you are the proud owner of a coffee machine?"

"HM Yes."

"You can put some eggs in the pan?"


"Well, then you can buy back your good conscience by presenting me with a first class breakfast, hm, pancakes, eggs, bacon and ..." Laila sighed. "... a strong coffee." He looked amused at his watch. "Have not had breakfast yet?"

Laila played the contrite. "No, I'm only half human." He beamed at Laila again. "As a conscientious man of order, I can not answer for that." He bowed low to Laila and pointed to the old Dodge with his arm outstretched. "May I accompany you to your luxury coach?" Laila playfully gave him a head nut.

"You are allowed ... almost everything." Again the flaming blush that Laila found delightful. He held open the driver's door of the Dodge. Laila saw several reddish-brown rust spots and dropped onto the dark blue leatherette seat, making sure that her dress slid up over her thighs.

It is again getting interesting.. :3

Hope you give me some reviews... and to fulfill a wish I wrote another Synopsis..

Thokocreators' thoughts