
Part Two

Everybody was looking at me as I was threatening Jorge. But I was angry so I couldn't help it and now me and Anaisa are joining the football team and I was actually kind of excited because I get to beat up these boys for trying to get at me all the time and trying to touch me where they shouldn't be.

Coach then said "okay that's enough people, now Nikky and Anaisa you will need to be at practice today. Make sure you bring cleats" and I said "okay, don't worry Isa I'll let you use my other cleats".

Then the bell rang. Anaisa and I left while everybody stayed. While Anaisa and I went to class the rest of the football team stayed and talked to Coach.They were angry.

"Are you sure about this" Devon asked as he was looking at coach and coach said "Yes.I'm positive they could do wonders for this team now go to class and I'll see you guys at practice and you guys better respect Nikky and Anaisa the way you would respect me".

Everybody left coach's office and went to their classes and unfortunately I had classes with Devon all day so now I have to watch him stare at me for the rest of the day.

Finally the day ended and it was time to go to football practice. I drove home real quick to grab cleats for Anaisa and I.Then I drove back to the school for practice.

Everybody was on the field and me and Isa were getting ready in the locker room. When we were finished we went to the field and went to coach.

"Where do you want us coach?" I asked and he pointed to the track where everybody was running. "First you're going to warm up on the track with everybody else" coach said and I said "okay,let's go Isa".

Isa and I began running and all the boys look tired and they only went around the track 3 times. They were beginning to get slow so Isa and I went around them and ran the field nearly 10 times while everybody was behind us except for Brendan and Devon who were already at the benches drinking water.

We finished our run around the track and went to the benches and drank water then waited for the other boys to hurry up.

When the boys were finally done coach gathered all of us up and said "Okay everybody get your equipment on and Nikky and Anaisa I have your equipment".

He gave us our equipment and we put it on. It was easy for me to put on the equipment,but I had to help Anaisa with her equipment. We got our equipment on and went onto the field.

We got to training and it was going great so far until we decided to play a game for the rest of practice. We started the game and Anaisa was on my side and we were playing really well.

Isa and I were doing so great that coach was complimenting us. Then he asked "Isa how would you feel about being the line backer for the next game?" and she became excited and agreed to do it.

I was happy for her and then I looked at Jorge ,who is the original linebacker ,he looked kind of angry and started talking to Kevin and kept pointing at some places at the field. They were planning something, but I had no clue what.

We went to our positions and waited for Devon to start and then he did. He threw the ball to me and I caught it. I tried to run to the other end zone,but I saw Kevin running to Isa and tackled her harder than ever. I got to the end zone then threw the ball at the ground and ran over to Isa. I took off her helmet and she was hurt badly.

(There is this thing that happens to my eyes when I get mad. They end up turning black even though my eyes are hazel).


I ran towards him and tackled him to the ground and started to hit him hard. I ended up knocking him out, but before I got to hit him again Devon grabbed me and yanked me off of him.

I started to kick and punch Devon so he would let me go,but he wouldn't let me go. He dragged me off the field and took me inside the school then he let me go.

"You need to calm down right now" he said and I said "HELL NO! HE DID THAT TO MY FRIEND AND HE ALSO DID THAT TO A GIRL BECAUSE HE WAS JEALOUS OF THE ATTENTION!!". I got so mad that I punched a glass door that workers from the school was working on, hard enough that it broke.

My hand was bleeding and Devon reacted fast, pulled me away from the glass,took me into the girls locker room and put my hand in the sink and ran my hand under water.

I couldn't feel the pain because I was so mad and also sad that Isa got hurt. When Devon finished running my hand under the water he wrapped my hand with a bandage. "Why are you doing this shouldn't you be outside with your bud?" I said and he said "he is most certainly not my friend. He's more of an ass and I never liked him and if you didn't knock him out I would have done it myself".

(I could feel my eyes changing back to their my natural color). Then I giggled a little at what he said.

After a while he finished wrapping my hand and got up. I look at his face and see that he has a bruise on his face and I asked "did I do that to you?" and he answered "yeah,but it's okay" then he walked out of the locker room and went outdide. I kind of felt bad for hurting him, but for now I have to check on Isa.

I got up and went outside to see Isa walking towards the locker room. "Omg Isa are you okay I was so worried about you" I said and she said "yeah I can tell. Kevin just woke up from you knocking him out and I'm okay. I'm not going down that easy" and I laughed and hugged her. "Oh by the way coach wants to talk to you" she said as she was going back to the locker room.

I looked over to the field and see coach waiting near the field goal. I went to coach and I quickly started talking. "Look I'm sorry I did that, but he got what he deserves so I understand if your kicking me off the team, but I was protecting my friend and he did that stunt on purpose and he did it alongside with Jorge a--".

Then he interrupted me and said "I know. I saw what happened and he is kicked off the team for it and so is Jorge for helping, but you are not kicked off the team because I'm pretty sure if you didn't do that most of the team would have done it". I laughed and said "thanks coach" and I left the field and went into the locker room and got changed.

As I was walking to my car I noticed Devon was walking with his skateboard. I felt bad for what I did and I also didn't say thank you or apologized for what I did so I ran to Devon. "Hey Devon, can I talk to you?" I asked and he said "Sure. What's up?". "Look I'm sorry for doing that to your face and I also wanted to thank you for fixing my hand so I was hoping I could make it up to you by buying you some Mcdonalds" and he said "hmm I don't know" and I said "I'll buy you your favorite milkshake chocolate cookie and cream".

He thought about it for a little bit and then he said "fine. I'm down". I was happy he agreed. We walked to my car and got in. I turned on the car and my favorite song was on the radio which is called Despacito. I started to sing along as we drove to McDonalds. He was jamming out to it as well, which made me laugh.

Once we got to McDonalds, we got out the car and we were both still singing the song. We went inside and I told him to get us some seats as I got the milkshakes and some chicken nuggets. I got the food and drinks and went to the booth Devon had chosen to be our seats. I sat down and gave Devon his milkshake.

We ended up eating the chicken nuggets together and had a blast talking to eachother. We talked for nearly two hours. I have never laughed so hard in my life. I looked at the time and it was about to be 8 o'clock. "Wow. Would you look at the time. It's about be 8. We should get going" I said and he agreed. We got up and went outside. "Man its been awhile since we hung out and talked like that" I said and he agreed and I said "well I had a fun time and once again thanks for what you did" and he said "no problem". "You want a ride? I mean you do live next door so why not?" I asked. He said "Nah.I could use the air" and he chuckled and got on his skateboard and rode off.

I got in my car and drove home. I was tired so I went and took a shower. By the time I got out of the shower, it was 9 o'clock. I looked on my phone to see I had 2 messages. I opened one of them and it was Isa asking if I wanted to hangout tomorrow. I texted her back and said sure then I opened the other message. Which was from Devon. It said "hey Nikky i hope your hand feels better. Goodnight"-Devon. I replied back and said "hope your face is okay too, good night to u too". After that I the decided it was time to sleep. I put my phone to charge then I laid down on my bed and went to sleep.
