
Beer time (1)

When I start going to bus stop sweety stop me saying "where you going I'm here by car"

"oh that nice" I said to him and I follow him with the rest. 'oh so you know about it and haven't said me how unfair' I said to myself while coming to the parking. When we enter it he go to Honda looking at him I said "from where you have money"

He wanted to said something but then shaggy words stop him "it's company car he is working as driver"

"aha I understand now" I said to him and I go to front seat. Then we start our drive to pub we always go. This placed is in good area but still its hidden between blocks and who don't know how to go there. When we come there we enter and go to 'our' table. Seeing us owner said "like always"

Hearing him shaggy answer "no we will have 2 beers and 2 juices and something to eat"

"ok" we hear respond.

When we sit shaggy said "ok now explain what is going on"

Hearing him I said "what you mean by it"

"you and that hottie I saw that she kiss you" hearing his words sweety turn to me and said "oh finally you move from that b***h I still remember how you look when I meet you that day"

"no I haven't move she is after me and I because of this I don't want to be with her yet"

"wait? what? Why?" sweety said but then shaggy words come "ok tell what exactly happened with both of you and why she is after you"

"you remember that her father have accident"

Hearing my words they nod "I save him but while doing it I kiss her and it happened to be her first kiss"

"lel you really take her first kiss it's so popular in manga"

"yep it's become surprise to me too. I don't know how she haven't been in any relationship" I said to him

"ok continued I want to hear more I hope you done with her" sweety said

"oh f**k you I'm not that playboy like you who doing with every girl who want it"

"hey I'm not like this anymore" he answered

"why" i said with a little curious in my voice i never know that he could change

"I knock out one" he said and start looking at the table

"hahaha really unlucky but congrats and she live in my place"

"thx and yes she is living there"

"ok no more talks tell us more" shaggy said then I wanted to start talking but our delivery come. When we take it and start eating and drinking I continued.

At first I explain what happened during that accident and later how I start working there. How my days pass and what happened in they party before Christmas and later how someone I don't remember his name claimed that he save.

"oh fuck how you save your ass then" bold ask me he was quiet by most of time but now he ask me a question "oh Sophia save me and she know who I'm so I need to follow what she said and thanks to that our photo together go online"

"oh so it was you" sweety said and then add "how it happened that you go shopping mostly you I know you to good that you hate doing it"

"oh you know I help her with moving and later we play poker with her friends they both are hottie but they lack in my eyes to Sophia in some ways but still I don't know what"

hearing me shaggy said "you in love with her why you don't you let her be with you"

"wait? what?" I almost scream at his words.

"ye its truth you probably haven't realized it but you love her" bold said

'maybe I'm really in love in her. That's why I said that words few days ago' I said to myself while looking at them

to explaine one think i know it could sound lame but ML needed someone to tell him what he realy feel to FML

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