

In a couple of seconds, the group of three arrived in an open space. King nicely asked Jax not to intervene in the fight between Ban and himself. Jax knowing what was about to happen just said, " I will intervene if I want to but for now I'll just watch how it plays out" King agreed with this. After all, he thought that Jax couldn't do anything even if he intervened. He hadn't seen what strength Jax wielded, to be honest, the only ones that could see through his real strength. Were Meliodas and Merlin but Meliodas didn't bring it up or find it weird.

His son had been trained by one of the strongest demon king succesors to have ever walked this planet. It was to be expected for him to at least reach this power level.

The talking between King and Ban went on or to be honest it was just King talking about the grave sin Ban has committed.

After a while, they finally got to the final point where King was planning on turning Ban into stone. Jax had been watching this whole thing play out and annoyance was seen in his face. As soon as the spear entered Ban's body and he was being turned into stone Jax couldn't take it anymore.

There stood King saying stuff like, "are you seeing this Elaine" before Jax appeared in front of him and gave him an uppercut that sends him flying. King was shocked he didn't know who attacked him and when he looked he saw the kid that he played with that has grown up in a battle stance. He saw him as his family yet he hit him just now.

The anger in his voice was there when he screamed, "Jax what do you think you are doing Ban killed my sister yet you intervene." Jax just looked at King as if he was stupid, "to be honest I had no interest in your conflict after all its just between you two and not my business. You are like my big brothers so why would I intervene in your fights? Well, it's simply because you are stupid right now. Jax screamed the last sentence. "What do you mean stupid he killed my sister" King screamed back.

Jax got annoyed before saying "oh he killed your sister and on what have you based that conclusion then?"

"I got home and my whole home was destroyed and Elaine was dead and then there is Ban a human that was immortal of course he was the one that killed her to obtain it," King said while tears formed in his eyes.

"This is stupid," Jax said while getting irritated even if King was his brother it didn't mean that he wouldn't get annoyed at him or even be mad at him.

It was normal for family to have their differences yet here King was trying to murder his own comrade. Without even asking the person in question if what he thought he did was the truth.

"What do you mean this is stupid my little sister died, what do you know of the agony of losing someone you love you are just a brat," King said while tears were falling from his face.

Something in Jax snapped when King told him he didn't know the agony of losing a loved one. Jax had cried himself to sleep for years when the memory of Max come to the surface yet King is telling him he doesn't know. Bloodlust filled the air it was not that Jax was thinking of killing King or even attacking him but it was just that Jax didn't have control over it right now. He looked with bloodshot eyes at King before saying, "take it back" it was said in such a cold voice that it even scared the Fairy king.

A girls voice was heard in the next instant it was a soft voice one that seemed to belong to an angel her self, "please stop this" Jax turned his body and there she floated. Elaine the woman his brother loved before speaking any further she kissed Ban and he slowly returned back to his normal state.

"Hey Elaine," Ban said in his usual casual tone, shock washed over the face of King he couldn't see her because she didn't wish him to see her. The only thing he could hear was her voice confusion was an emotion that was clear in his face.

He couldn't comprehend why Elaine would talk to Ban. Ban was supposed to have killed her? At least that is what he believed to be true for these past 10 years. Jax looked over at King and spoke up, "see I told you don't jump to conclusions before knowing what exactly happened" before turning back to see the sight of Elaine and Ban talking.

Eventually, the talking between Ban and Elaine stopped with Ban saying, "one day I will make you mine" and slowly walking away. King had already crumbled to his knees and apologizing to his sister his self blaming was there. Elaine talked to him and forgave him before saying that Ban took away her loneliness in just seven days and that he isn't the man he thinks he is.

King left after a while and then Elaine turned towards Jax. Jax didn't know why she would talk to him but she smiled while saying, "I have been watching Ban and I have seen many things of you. To be honest I just wanted to meet the kid that made Ban warm his heart to. Ban isn't a person that would show his feelings openly but trust me he really cares for you. I hope you do the same for him" She said while feeling happy that Ban has found a kid he liked. Jax was a bit shocked by this before saying.

"He is my big brother so of course, I care for him" feeling a bit embarrassed he just said that out loud. Elaine looked at the young man before saying, "its time for you to go isn't it" Jax just looked over at the sounds of fighting, "indeed it is" he walked away before turning his head and saying.

"I hope Ban will be able to make you his because I can see he loves you. And you are worthy of my brother" While a smile was plastered on his face and in the next instant he was gone.

On his way to help his family.

Have fun reading.

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