
Wait..what.. ?

When I woke up, Asena was helping Draco put me in a flat Rock to rest. Rubbing my head, I asked what happened. "Basically..."Asena started, ".. we got our asses handed to us..in a way...but we kicked their ass too." I thought about Jai's last words to me before she knocked me out. Then it hit me... the daggers! I looked around for the backpack they were in. They were missing. We were so caught up in the fight, that we totally forgot about them.

We decided to continue down the dark tunnel...soon we came to another large cavern. Here we decided to rest and resume our walk in a few hours...I laid there with questions running around my mind... Why would Jai take those daggers?...Why would she go after just me in all our fights?...What did she mean by what she said... I shook my head and rolled over to try and sleep.
