
The Sound of Battle (1)

編輯: Henyee Translations

Feng Qingtian scowled. "Then get the doctor here."

The doctor soon arrived.

He felt Gu Bailu's pulse, then said solemnly, "Your Highness, you're very weak. You have to be careful. Your stomach hurts because you ate something dirty. You'll be fine after taking two of my pills."

Gu Bailu was very weak since the baby sucked her dry every day.

If there was no antidote, she would turn into a dry, empty corpse once the baby was born.

Feng Qingtian nodded. "That's good. Hurry up and give her the pills."

The doctor took out two pills and gave them to Gu Bailu, who drew a rune on his palm.

The doctor, on the other hand, was completely unaware.

Gu Bailu, however, stopped him. "I don't dare take your pills casually. Bai Wuxin is from Rising Clouds Empire. Let him see if there's anything wrong with the pills. I'll only take them if he promises that it's fine."
