
Beginning of death- Part 1

Damien and Penny shared breakfast together with all the other family members, Damien was the first to leave the table. Kissing Penny's cheek he left for the council in the carriage with his father who accompanied him as the man had work to do too. 

With the five ladies at the table, Lady Fleurance finally brought up, "Let's go out to Isle Valley. Grace has been looking forward to having time with everyone," even the lady herself didn't know why her daughter wanted to spend time with the poor girl and her friend who were still worthless in her eyes. 

Lady Fleurance didn't approve of the girl to be her daughter-in-law, she not only was a human but she came from the slave establishment that made it difficult and hard for her to see eye to eye with the young human, Penelope. 

Grace hearing her mother bring the topic up where her mouth had been full, she continued to chew her food before saying, "I am busy. I have other things to do."


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
