
The wait- Part 3

On their way back to the mansion, the air that was gusting around them, moving in a quick speed had their clothes fly and move in different directions every few seconds. Caitlin asked her, 

"Were you able to charge control to your elements?" 

"Nothing at all. I feel like they don't react or respond. I have tried my best but it seems like I am running in circles without any direction," Penny gave a queasy smile over the fact that she wasn't able to control them. 

"You know, sometimes books don't help. You need practical demonstration." 

"But I have no one to teach me. I checked with the people in the church and the only person who had the elemental ability now resides in Wovile." Penny wondered if she should call the water element but knowing the woman, she would glare and snap at her. 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
