
Give and take- Part 1

More than an hour or two had passed since Penelope and Damien had come to the forest, listening to the crickets and the leaves rustle against each other, they spent their time talking about each other. Penelope listened to Damien's memories as they appeared to be filled with mischief compared to hers. 

"Mrs. Keith used to be the one at times to look after us and we would often give her a slip. She is a kind lady to have tolerated Alexander and me," said Damien while looking far away into the trees. When he looked back to look at her, he stated, "You have been smiling for more than ten minutes now." 

Penny's smile only grew wider, "It is good to hear your childhood memories. Wasn't your mother angry when she found the blood on you?" she asked him after he had told her the story when they had gone to find black witches. 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
