
Start of exams- Part 3

An hour passed to two and everyone was immersed in reading and answering the questions that were asked in the parchment that was provided to them. Penny made sure to double read them as she wrote what she had read and as she turned the pages, the difficulty in the questions only rose higher. 

Before coming here, Damien had told her how the questions were never repeated and they were always newly invented in a way so that the examinees who had attended the exams previously would not face the same questions. 

She leaned back when she had finished writing three-fourth of the paper. Her fingers played with the quill as she stared at the question. 

'What comes before a mule that has turned black and the white horse after it ate the green grass? The sun goes up and the moon falls down, why do the butterflies come out during the day and some at night?'


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
