
Mother's Bedtime story

"DAMN YOU AQUA ONE DAY I'LL PUSH YOU DOWN AND SPANK YOU' wow whats going on with me I feel like I've been acting strange.

Why did I agree to being reincarnated? .

Where am I its so dark... Oh im in her stomach.. Wait didnt she tell me I'd lose my memories till I'm an adult...She messed up again ugh.

what did she mean by two mothers how can someone have two... well unless their married to each other or father is married to two women... yeah Im guessing its the later.

It will be strange having a new mother. I have one already. I know that they neglected me a lot but I still love them.

Wow how long have I been in here its been so long



You know I wonder I knew my parents weren't normal future mom. They had no common sense. One time I saw them walking on water. I asked Will about it and he said they're probably jesus. oh you want to know who Jesus is hes...

Mother then went...

Then they waved a hand and the fire place burned.

Oh I like this song keep singing it mom...

Oh a story ok this is something EM (earth mom) told me

Once there was nothing in the universe And there was this area outside of the cosmos filled with foggy gray energy called something something energy,what how am I suppose to remember... anyway it is that area which gave birth to the creator.. no its like above gods hes umm Idk...oh yeah the universe creator.

Oh hes old hes like 985 octillion years old. well after the first million of years he got bored and lonely so he created a universe. Oh where is he he is outside the cosmos... anyway after sextillion years someone came and joined him. I asked EM why only now she said I asked if I could go there she laughed and said I need to reached the ******Space or create a Cosmos but to reach that you need a special type of body...you need both some people who have one cant do both. Also one mistake can leave forever without meeting oh wait mother said dont say that so forget I said this teehee.

Well keep it a secret ok once they become universe creators they will be able to use the Spatial and Temporal Laws and determine the Fates of everyone in every Cosmos. Well that is what would be true but there are indiviuals who fates cant be determined. Those people have amazing destiny and are meant for greatness they are also the only people capable of becoming universe creators.

My once heard EM telling EF that she cant see my fate... HAHA EM acting like shes a universe creator haha what shes doing on earth then..

Well a long time later a third Universe Creator came and the Eldest decided to different levels of Universe creators the first four are the highest. there hundreds of universe creators That was fine in all till one day... one person wanted to explore explore Tree of beginning its where all the multiverse are he felt a disturbance and saw IT... IT was lets just say it was despair . It bought out the worse in people and attached itself to one of the four... It went insain a huge battle took place and most of the universes were destroyed. Most of the UC were destroyed, some had there Lost what made them UC and split themselve into multiple forms and essences. Some even fault themselves after they slit thinking they betrayed themselves turning from a UC to a ******** I hear that happened on the place Im going too. Some ran away not wanting to fight... which was a huge crime and some sided with it... without falling victim...

So your wondering what happened? well Im not sure. EM said that the Eldest brother and second brother and third brother and four other summoned a secret squad each person they personally trained.. these people Were close to becoming UC but they didn't they became something more...

first one builds up, and explodes like anger

second consumes everything in it's path

third was Seductive and had a motion of the ocean

forth took everything but also used it for power

fifth could manipulate the creations of God

six was lacking everything but because of that it made it the most unpredictable and dangerous?

seven was the Slow moving of the group but also their shield

each of them also represented a element ...

1. Lightning

2. Fire

3. Water

4. Metal

5. Heart,Flesh,Blood, Mind

6. None

7. Earth

It is unclear what happened to the 7 but rumor is they died and were force to reincarnate themselves in hopes of something and if someone is marked with one of them they will become UC. So all of them are seeking them out because that is the only way you are immortal if you are a UC

pssttt stupid story right

wait ouch that hurts. I start crying it hurts.

'what happen why are their giants' wait is that my mother i cant see that well. is that guy my father he looks annoying...

POV Inard

Yes today is the day my son is born. i dont know what will happen in the future. My relationship with Elizabeth is a crime. however Im happy right now. Father may...If the Goddess finds out... I have to do something so many things but I dont regret my actions.

My little sister seemed to be a little bitter but ...She is my fiancee too but....

"Elizabeth let me hold him."

"careful dont drop him"

I look at my son and he open his eyes. I realize he is really cute like holy cute... must have gotten his looks from his old man hahah

"Inard you have to thank of a good name. A strong name"

"I got the perfect name. Charles Brown Galadriel.... ACHHH " he bit me almost dropped him but my sister picked him up before fell. he looking at me with hate.. did you hate that name

"Niisama please be careful with... this baby" she said bitterly

"Sorry Sorry" I say to the girls. then look at my son and say "How about Troy Galadriel " my son... Troy smiles and laugh


YAY FINALLY NO LONGER CHARLIE BROWN I WILL ONLY BE KNOW AS TROY F CHARLIE BROWN... but father I wont forgive you for almost naming me charlie brown...for now on I'll call you scum haha till your soul will be named scum...Seriously what is wrong with my emotion...

What do you think happen to Despair

what do you think happened to those 7 and where are they now

Was Troy mother a UC or was she...

I dont know if you notice but Troy went a little crazy so some of his words were weird.

think about it 9 months inside a stomach alone in darkness... wait till he realize that he will

What power do you think troy has

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