
General Creature Guide

The most basic form of creature on Solus are denoted with the preface Common. These are the creatures that have remained unmutated and are relatively small and weak. They manifest no special abilities and will not mutate.

The slightly mutated and by far the most common creatures are the Wild species. These are basic variants of Common species exceeding them in size, strength, dexterity, and other attributes. Wild creatures have a chance of further mutating into Magick Beasts. Wild creatures may also manifest small magical talents such as spitting sparks or giving off low level electrical charges.

Magick Beasts are the greatest threat to mankind on Solus, there are thousands of distinct species with little or no relation to any Common species with even more Elemental Variants and Secondary Mutants.

Just a basic guide with a few of the terms I'll be using. I'll probably update as needed. If i feel like it.

InvisibleLootcreators' thoughts