
Goddess's Eyes

Maya climbs too high on the tree so that she can see Kalki's whole battalion fighting under her eyes. She felt like an eagle which chases it's prey from the sky! After reaching a certain height, she kneels on a huge branch steadily. She can't just be careless now, can she? After all she loves her life mpre than anything. She looks ahead keenly. Her accurate vision surprised even herself.

As she can clearly see every single one of them fighting with vigour. She notices a thick smoke of sand surrounded around a single man.

While others were fighting one or two men, this single man stood out killing bunch of men in few seconds.

She gasps realizing "How fast is he moving his sword?!"

'Who can it be other than him?!'

She never ever in her life seen someone fight so fast. Not to mention rotating that heavy Royal swords that fast.
