
The Story Begins

I am in 8th grade now and let me just tell you, belive it or not, that girl named Chloe has been in every division I am in until today and I am kind of getting suspicious. Today is the first day of 8th grade and the most weirdest thing happened, no one can see Chloe except me, I know it sounds wierd but I knew I am up to no good, I really don't understand what is happening, but this gave me chills. At night, I was trying to sleep, but I couldn't, after about an hour, I finally dozed off. when I fell asleep I could hear sounds and voices in my bedroom, I didn't open my eyes at all, I was worried. I prayed to god before I opened my eyes, and when I did, it was blurred, gradually it cleared and I saw some one familiar, i have seen her. Sooner did i realise, It was Chloe, she was standing in front of my bed and she was looking at me. My heart skipped a beat, I knew I was dreaming but I wasn't, she was very fair, almost like a ghost and she had tied two ponytail on both sides of her head, she had short black hair and she was moving her head in a wierd manner, she was wearing her PJ's. The room was dark and when I blinked, she disappeared into thin air. I look at the place where she was standing for almost 5 minutes and chills went down my spine, I was terrified, I felt cold. Soon my vision faded and I was off to sleep. I couldn't belive what happened.
