
453. Big Loss For Cai Mao & Wang Yi Reached Xiapi

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As they approached the walls of Wuling, Zhang Yun could see the defenders on the ramparts, ready to provide covering fire. The sight of the city renewed his resolve. "We're almost there! Just a little further!" he urged his troops. Guan Yu, seeing that his quarry was close to escaping, pushed his men harder. "Do not let them reach the walls unscathed! Charge!" His warriors responded with a surge of energy, redoubling their efforts to close the gap.

Zhang Yun's forces reached the gates of Wuling, which swung open to allow them entry. The defenders on the walls unleashed a volley of arrows, providing cover and slowing Guan Yu and his army's advance. The retreating soldiers, one by one, made it through the gates, exhausted but alive.

As the last of Zhang Yun's men passed through the gates, Zhang Yun himself was the last to enter, ensuring his troops' safety before his own. The gates closed behind him with a resounding thud, and the defenders continued to repel Guan Yu's forces from the walls.

Inside Wuling, Zhang Yun took a moment to catch his breath. He turned to his men, seeing the relief and exhaustion in their eyes. "We have made it," he said, his voice steady. "But we must remain vigilant. This battle is far from over."

Guan Yu, outside the walls, assessed the situation. The walls of Wuling were formidable, and a direct assault would be costly. He ordered his men to fall back a short distance to regroup. "We have inflicted significant damage, but their defenses are strong. We will need to reconsider our approach," he said to his officers.

Kuai Yue and Ju Shou arrived at Guan Yu's position, having witnessed the chase. "Zhang Yun proved to be a formidable opponent," Kuai Yue admitted. "But we have weakened their reinforcements considerably."

Ju Shou added, "Their morale is shaken, and their forces are diminished. We should use this opportunity to consolidate our strength and plan our next move."

Guan Yu nodded in agreement. "We will not waste this advantage. Prepare the troops for a prolonged siege. We will cut off their supplies and force them into submission."

Back inside Wuling, Zhang Yun and his officers convened to assess their situation. "We managed to escape, but at great cost," Zhang Yun said, his expression grim. "We must fortify our defenses and prepare for the continuation of the siege."

Zhang Yun's second in command Zhang Hu agreed. "I agree, General. I suggest that we strengthen our walls and ensure we have enough supplies to withstand the prolonged siege. We must also send word to Lord Cai Mao Fan to request further reinforcements. Guan Yu will not give up easily."

As night fell, both sides prepared for the next phase of the conflict. In Wuling, Zhang Yun and Zhang Hu worked tirelessly to reinforce their defenses and boost their troops' morale. Outside, Guan Yu's forces setting up their siege works back, determined to capture Wuling.

In the coming days, skirmishes would erupt around the city walls as Guan Yu tested the defenders' resolve. Zhang Yun and Zhang Hu, despite their losses, inspired their men to hold firm. The defenders of Wuling braced themselves for the long fight ahead, knowing that the fate of Wuling and their survivability depended on their endurance and tenacity.

As the situation at Wuling worsened for Liu Biao's forces, in Changsha, Cai Mao's siege began to turn dire as well. Cai Mao had sent a detachment of his army to Wuling, weakening his own numbers.

Recognizing this vulnerability, Zhou Yu and Han Xuan reached an agreement to launch an all-out assault on Cai Mao's remaining forces to relieve the siege on Changsha once and for all.

Under the leadership of Wei Yan and Zhou Tai, the combined forces of the Sun Clan and Han Xuan's men rode out from Changsha. Their sudden and fierce attack caught Cai Mao and his troops off guard. The element of surprise worked in their favor, and chaos quickly erupted within Cai Mao's ranks.

The sudden onslaught threw Cai Mao's chain of command into disarray. His officers struggled to relay orders, and the frontline became a chaotic battleground. Wei Yan and Zhou Tai capitalized on this confusion, leading their troops with precision and ferocity.

The combined forces of the Sun Clan and Han Xuan's men cut through Cai Mao's lines, inflicting heavy casualties on Cai Mao's army, and a large number of casualties on the already shrinking army.

Realizing the severity of the situation, Cai Mao knew he had to retreat to save what was left of his army. He raised the signal for retreat, hoping to regroup and avoid complete annihilation.

However, the retreat quickly turned into a full panicked rout. Many of the panic-stricken soldiers fled in all directions, abandoning their positions and equipment.

Wei Yan and Zhou Tai, seeing the disorganized retreat, pressed their advantage. They pursued Cai Mao's fleeing troops relentlessly, their forces inflicting significant damage as they chased down the scattered soldiers. The battlefield was littered with the remnants of Cai Mao's army, and the retreat became a massacre.

As night fell, the remnants of Cai Mao's forces finally managed to regroup some distance from Changsha. The cost of the failed siege was evident in the weary and diminished ranks of his troops.

Cai Mao, his face grim, surveyed the damage and realized the severity of his defeat. The losses were substantial, and the morale of his men was shattered.

In Changsha, Zhou Yu and Han Xuan celebrated their victory. The successful defense of the city and the crushing blow dealt to Cai Mao's forces bolstered their resolve.

Zhou Yu knew that this victory could turn the tide in their favor. "We have dealt a significant blow to Liu Biao's forces," he said to Han Xuan. "But we must remain vigilant. Cai Mao will undoubtedly seek revenge after he recuperates his army, so we must be prepared for his revenge."

Han Xuan nodded in agreement. "Our men fought bravely, but we cannot rest on our laurels. We must strengthen our defenses and ensure that Changsha remains secure."

After their talk, Zhou Yu and Han Xuan focused on fortifying Changsha and cleaning up the battlefield. They ordered their men to reinforce the walls, dig new trenches, and repair any damage caused during the siege.

Wei Yan and Zhou Tai, having returned from their successful pursuit of Cai Mao's retreating forces, took charge of recuperating their weary troops. The soldiers, though exhausted, were in high spirits, buoyed by their recent victory.

As the dust settled over Changsha, far to the north, near the outskirts of Xiaopei, Wang Yi and her followers settled in for the night at a small village.

The journey from Luoyang had been long and arduous, and the group was grateful for a brief respite. They set up camp on the village outskirts, intending to continue their journey to Xiapi the next day.

Wang Yi's group had encountered several challenges along the way, including a tense standoff with another band of travelers. The group, led by two men named Lu Qian and Liang Xi, had initially perceived Wang Yi's followers as potential bandits. Both sides were wary, hands on their weapons, ready to defend themselves.

The situation was defused when Wang Yi stepped forward to speak with Liang Xi. Her composed demeanor and clear explanation of their intentions gradually eased the tension.

Liang Xi, a pragmatic man, recognized the sincerity in Wang Yi's words and called off his men. As they conversed, Lu Qian and Liang Xi learned that Wang Yi's group was also headed to Xiapi.

The two groups decided to join forces for the remainder of their journey. Lu Qian, a seasoned archer, and Liang Xi, a skilled official, saw the advantage of traveling together for mutual protection.

Wang Yi also agreed upon this after careful consideration, as the roads could be perilous, and strength in numbers would deter bandits and other threats that come along her way.

Around the campfire that night, the travelers shared stories and made plans for the days ahead. Wang Yi, ever vigilant, kept a watchful eye on her surroundings.

She knew that even in moments of rest, danger could strike at any time. Lu Qian, noticing her vigilance, approached and offered to share the watch. "We should rest in shifts," he suggested. "That way, we'll be ready for anything."

Wang Yi nodded, appreciating his practicality. "Agreed. We can't afford to let our guard down, even though Xu Province was said to be the safest province thanks to Lie Fan's effort."

Early the next morning, the combined group broke camp and resumed their journey. The landscape gradually changed as they moved closer to Xiapi. Fields and forests gave way to the signs of more populated areas, and the roads became busier with merchants, farmers, and other travelers.

Despite the growing number of people on the road, Wang Yi remained cautious. Her instincts, honed by years of experience, told her that trouble could still find them. Lu Qian and Liang Xi, now familiar with her leadership style, trusted her judgment and kept their men alert.

After a couple of days, they finally reached the outskirts of Xiapi. When they saw Xiapi from afar, they were shocked at the sight of the large walls around the city. Xiapi's size had grown considerably, and in Wang Yi's mind, it even rivaled the grandeur of Luoyang.

The impressive walls they were seeing were the Outer Walls of Xiapi, part of the extensive expansion project that Lie Fan had initiated.

As the group approached the city gates, they marveled at the bustling activity. Workers were everywhere, constructing buildings, fortifying defenses, and laying out new roads.

The sheer scale of development was overwhelming. Once inside the gates, the sight of ongoing construction left and right left them in awe. Buildings of all kinds were taking shape, from grand public edifices to humble residences, painting a picture of a city in rapid transformation.

Amidst the bustling scene, a voice called out, "Lu Qian! Is that you?!" The group turned to see a man in his twenties accompanied by a group of soldiers hurrying towards them, his face breaking into a wide smile.

"Liu Ye!" Lu Qian exclaimed, recognizing the man. "It's good to see you after so long!" With a warm smile on his face, Lu Qian returned Liu Ye's words.

It turns out the one calling them was Liu Ye, one of Lie Fan's top advisors and an old acquaintance of Lu Qian who greeted them warmly. "I wasn't expecting that you would arrive at Xiapi so soon. And who are these companions of yours?"

Lu Qian introduced Liang Xi and Wang Yi to Liu Ye. "We met on the road. Liang Xi was an official I met in Xuchang, and this is Wang Yi and her men who we met on the world to Xiaopei, and we decided to travel together for safety as they're heading to Xiapi as well."

Liu Ye nodded respectively to both Liang Xi and Wang Yi. "Welcome to Xiapi, Sir Liang Xi and Lady Wang. The timing of your arrival was fortuitous! Xiapi has been undergoing significant changes these past years under Lors Lie Fan's initiative."

Wang Yi bowed slightly toward Liu Ye, before conveying her words. "Thank you, Master Liu Ye. I have heard about the developments that were sensed in Xiapi but I never expected for it to be on such a large scale."

Liang Xi who was on the side nodded in agreement with Wang Yi's words because this large expansion was a reflection of the ambition Lie Fan harbored. Even Cao Cao's Xuchang was minuscule compared to Xiapi now.

Liu Ye gave a smile and gestured for them to follow him. "Come, I will show you around and the areas that will be made. Lord Lie Fan's vision for Xiapi is truly remarkable."

As they walked through the outer city, Liu Ye pointed out various sites and explained what areas were being made and the purposes they had. Liang Xi and Wang Yi were surprised at how depth Liu Ye's knowledge was about the construction project, and when Liang Xi ask about this to Liu Ye before he could even respond, Lu Qian let out a loud laugh and told the two of them that Liu Ye was one of Lie Fan's top advisors shocking the two of them.


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Three Heroes Who Defeat Lu Bu

Age: 31 (198 AD)

Level: 16

Next Level: 462,000

Renown: 825

Cultivation: Yin Yang Separation (level 9)

SP: 1,121,700


STR: 936 (+20)

VIT: 598 (+20)

AGI: 583 (+10)

INT: 587

CHR: 96

WIS: 509

WILL: 397

ATR Points: 0

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