
Chapter 1065 "Teamwork"

Right after the Long Ao Zhen and Li Shi Ying exchanged tea, the emperor finished his story. He turned around and said. "The two of you, drink the tea from each other cup. My son you make Li Shi Ying drink from your cup and Li Shi Ying, do the same like what Long Ao Zhen do to you. "

His voice was so gentle when he said so. It made Li Shi Ying somehow got goosebumps out of nowhere. Still, she tried to focus on the ceremony. 

The girl looked at Long Ao Zhen and seeing the man nod, she stretched her hand toward him. Long Ao Zhen also did the same. He put the cup in front of Li Shi Ying's lips while Li Shi Ying put her cup in front of Long Ao Zhen's lips. 

The edge of the cup touched her lips and at the moment, she realizes that Long Ao Zhen's tea was also warm not as hot as before. He must do something before, knowing that she would drink the tea from his cup. 
