
Chapter 539 "Treasure Hunt"

"So, who are you?" Li Shi Ying didn't feel flattered even though the old man praised her, since she was able to arrive earlier than the other participants.

Of course she would be able to arrive earlier, and in such a good condition. She had so many sacred beasts with her! It would be a strange thing if she was still wounded with three sacred beasts with her.

"Okay, you don't need to know who am I but since you arrived first, I will give you a special guidance. The other participants won't even know about this information. They have to find it by themselves." The old man refused to disclose his identity to Li Shi Ying, even though the girl asked for it."

"Fine, I don't mind." Li Shi Ying took a deep breath as she maintained her cool and lofty attitude. She just copied how a female lead in most novels acted, since she had to have a strong aura to impress this old man.

She was sure this old man wasn't a mere normal old man. He must be someone important.
