
Chapter 472 "PDA"

Li Shi Ying's dress got tainted with the soup, so she looked extremely pitiful now. No one would suspect that she dropped the bowl on purpose.

This made others not suspect a thing, even Meng Yue Ming was surprised by this turn of events.

She was indeed kind of irritated at seeing Long Ao Zhen care so much about Li Shi Ying, but she cared more about the poison!

At first, she got suspicious that Li Shi Ying knew there was poison inside the soup, but after seeing even Long Ao Zhen act like that, she threw away her suspicions.

What Li Shi Ying did was a human's natural reflex upon touching something hot. Even she believed this. It's just that she didn't expect Li Shi Ying to get 'hurt' just from a bowl of hot soup.

That meant the soup was spilled! Damn it!

Meng Yue Ming saw Li Shi Ying's reaction being very natural, and now she regretted how she made the soup hot. She shouldn't have made it too hot! Damn, now she didn't have that poison anymore. Her plan failed!
