
Chapter 221 "Li Shi Ying Power"

"The enemy is here!" Jiu Wei entered Li Shi Ying tent in hurry. He just spotted a lot of human heading over their place this would be another big battle.

"What? How far are they from our area?" Li Shi Ying was taken aback with Jiu Wei report. It was too fast for the Chang Family to had arrived here!

"They will arrived in our area in about 15 minutes" Jiu Wei predicted their distance with the enemy and made a guess.

"How fast! Okay thanks Jiu Wei. Chen come here!" Li Shi Ying stood up and dragged Chen outside of her tent. With a single wave, she stored her tent to Mao Mao space.

"Let's set an ambush here. Chen please atttach these talismans to that place over there. Jiu Wei call Di Yu, be ready!" Li Shi Ying gave 10 talismans to Chen after she pointed the area she wanted and then she summoned all her divine beasts and high ranked beasts.

She began to instructed her beasts about the upcoming battle strategy.

At Chen place...
