
Revenge 340: A Cat Scratch My Face

"You two! Where have you been?!" Tess asked as soon as she saw the twins. "You two are the only ones who are not present at the moment! I can't believe this." Anna and Aaron are the only ones who are everyone are waiting for.

Tess thought that the twins will be able to come home early. But it seems like she is wrong. She has been feeling nervous since the moment the Robertson family came. She doesn't like the look Elijah Robertson is making while waiting for the twins.

She's afraid that Elijah will make a bad comment about the twins, and she does not want that to happen because Elijah has such a big influence on the public's opinions. Even though the twins are a member of the Coleman family, they are still young and people still doubt the twins' capability. And with just one word from Elijah, it could make a huge on the twins' future.

"There was a traffic that's why we're later, Nanny Tess," Aaron said, however, his excuse is good enough to fool Tess.
