
Extra. Behind the Numbers.

*The group is looking at the girl lying on the sofa with a thermometer in her mouth. They are animatedly discussing something among themselves and pushing forward one of them*

Daniel: Hey, why me? *the crowd is waving to him, he is turning away and sighing* Oh, okay. Khem, dear author-san, can you tell me when there will be an update?

Unknown hero: Dude, you're too mannered. No one is asking a question that way. *the guy is rolling his eyes and pushing Daniel aside* Hey, author-Nesh or whatever your name is, where is my update? Everyone is waiting to learn about the great me! Where is the new chapter?

Marcus: Damn it, common, give us a chapter! *all are turning back and casting evil glances at the man* Hey! So what? I just showed some perseverance! Although yeah, ok, it turned out a bit rude. *he is scratching the back of his head and heading to the table, to eat some yummies*

Elena: Ok, boys, stop! It won't do, can you not see that she is not responding? *she is approaching the author and taking a thermometer out of her mouth* Oh, she has a fever! Therefore, her brain is not responding to us!

*Everyone is lost in thought*

Unknown hero: Maybe we will wake her up, put the heat on her conscience, or something else?

Rick: Maybe we will blackmail her with something?

Marcus: Implant a chip in her, and the work's done. She will type everything right away, like a robot.

David: Oh, that's a good idea. Maybe she will kill you faster in revenge?

Marcus: What?? Keep dreaming! It's just you who want this, everyone else-

Daniel: *raises his hand up* I agree too. You are like the pain in the.., pissed us off already.

Marcus: *watching everyone else raise their hands in unison with David's proposal* Hey people! Common, y'all??? It's not my fault at all! That is all her fault! *poking a finger at the author* In fact, I'm a good fella, honestly!

*everyone just rolled their eyes from the absurdity of this statement*

Corey: Oh, I have an idea! Let's write a sequel ourselves!

Daniel: Yes, my baby is just so smart! David, drag your laptop!

Rick: *casting a glance at Corey, and then at Daniel* We'll still see whose baby she is. Don't rush things, man.

Elena: Ok, guys, break. This is not for you to decide. *the girl is switching on the laptop and opening the Word* Well, what will we do next?

Daniel: How about my new date with Corey?

David: You won't get it. It's me and Elena who should have a date.

Corey: And let's have a double date! Elena, what do you think? *looking at her friend with shining eyes*

Elena: *raising her head and seeing young people behind Corey, who are actively gesturing NO to this idea* *smirking* That sounds like fun! I like it.

*The Anderson brothers make a displeased growl*

Corey: Let's go to the amusement park! I want to ride a roller coaster! *clapping joyfully*

David: No!!!

Daniel: No!!!

Corey: *looking at men with a bewildered look* Why?

Elena: They are afraid of heights.

Marcus: Ahaha, oh, you, please! Are you small children?! Who is afraid of heights at your age? *putting the sushi remaining on the table in his mouth* And even to go to the amusement parks? Conquering the world is much more interesting!

Unknown hero: Conquer the world? Are you Pinky and Brain? *making an impression of the heroes of the old cartoon* What are we going to do tonight, Brain? The same thing we do every night, Pinky, try to take over the world!

*silence hangs in the room, and then there is a loud laugh*

Daniel: *wiping a tear from his eye* Ahaha dude, you're quite something! High five! *exposing a hand to an unknown hero, which he is clapping in response* I am sure we will find a common language. What is your name?

Unknown hero: My name? My name is ... *trying to answer and looks horrified* Damn! What is my name at all?! *casting a glance at those present, but everyone is shaking their head in the negative* *rushing to the author and beginning to shake her* Hey, author, hello!!! At least say my name! How can I live now until the next update?!

Author: *slowly opening her eyes and trying to focus her gaze* Ahhh .. Nick, leave me alone .. Let me have some sleep. *falling back into a deep sleep after the medicine taken*

Unknown hero: Oh, Hallelujah! *standing up straight and busily straightening his clothes* Attention, people, allow me to introduce myself. Before you is a charming, sexy and just wonderful guy - Nick ... Nick ... Damn, forgot to ask for about my second name.

Elena: Welcome to the team, Nick. Only, apparently, we have to wait until the author comes to her senses. In the meantime, I suggest everyone drink tea together! Especially since we have a delicious banana muffin. *everyone is turning to the table and seeing Marcus putting the last piece of cake in his mouth*

Marcus: So what? Do you think restoring energy is so easy?!

David: *flexing his fists* I suggest to kill him here and now. Who agrees?

*All are looking at each other and with a single heart raising their hands up*

To be continued... or not. :D

Hello, my dear readers! How are you? As you noticed, unfortunately, I caught a cold and need some time to recover - a day or two probably. So hold on a little bit more.

Because your author here is a very busy person who lacks good sleep and rest sometimes (or should I put 'always', ahaha). Life fact: reading the story about the CEO and working for the CEO is like two different realities. *sigh*

Take care!

Anya_Neshcreators' thoughts