
I Will Try It With Pleasure.

"Ahaha, Mrs. Williams, do you want your daughter to have a heart attack? Is it right to scare such a nice girl with such unexpected news? Just look at her shocked face," Daniel laughed out loud and held out his hand to Corey, "Miss Williams, my name is Daniel. Pleased to meet you. I hope you don't mind if I just call you Corey?"

Corey automatically raised her hand and held it out to Daniel. As soon as she touched his hand, she felt as if she was transferred into some kind of parallel reality. The hand of the man was incredibly warm and gentle; even this small touch was enough to awaken a violent fantasy in the girl's mind.

These sensations were like a warm blanket and hot tea in a cold winter evening. She had a feeling that she wanted this warmth and comfort to envelop her whole body, touch every inch of her skin, warm her and hug her all night long...

'Stop ... STOP! What kind of crap is that?!' Corey came to her senses, shocked by her own thoughts. Only then did she notice that the man was still holding her hand tightly in his palm. The girl pulled her hand away and pressed to herself,

"N-Nice to meet you," she answered, trying to realize what was going on at all.

The man smiled slightly, watching the reaction of the girl. Corey looked at him and again felt as if she had just been given a new spell.

The effect of his smile at that moment was similar to the impressions of the smile of Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. When you look at this smile and do not understand what kind of intention is behind it, but you still cannot take your eyes off it.

Corey instantly turned away from Daniel and looked at her mother. The woman was shining with happiness and was in a great mood. Corey's father, sitting not far from them on the couch, was also smiling warmly and was more lively than usual.

'What's going on here? Are these people really my parents?! Is he some kind of demon who bewitched them?!', Corey's thoughts ran through her head at a breakneck pace.

She did not see her parents so satisfied for a long time, and, apparently, the reason for their unexpected joy was this man who fell like a bolt from the blue on their heads.

The girl threw a reproachful look at Daniel, but she received only an innocent smile in response.

"Corey, don't stand stock-still! Treat our guest with tea," Mrs. Williams said. "Daniel, I'll just bring amazingly delicious cookies. My daughter baked them herself. She could have become a famous pastry chef if she wanted, but, alas, she takes her talent only as a hobby. Perhaps you can somehow help her change her mind about it."

"Thank you, Margaret. I will try it with pleasure," answered Daniel with a charming low voice. Corey's mother began to shine when she heard her name from the mouth of a young man and flew off to the kitchen for dessert.

"Joseph, your wife is an incredible woman. Now I understand why Corey is so beautiful and clever," Daniel turned to Corey's father, deliberately making a compliment to the owner of the house.

"Ahaha, that's right. In my youth, it cost me great efforts to get her attention. Even in my entire life in business, I didn't have as many strong competitors as there were in the two years when we were going out with her until she finally agreed to marry me," Mr. Williams replied proudly.

"You are right; for the sake of stunning woman's favor, you can exert your entire strength. I think I should try too," Daniel replied and slyly looked at Corey.

'Where are you looking at now, eh? I know what a womanizer you are! Na ah! No need to break a sweat here, dude! I'll break you myself!' Corey glared at him angrily, making it clear that he was aiming at the wrong target.

"Daniel, I am sure that this will not be a big deal with your charisma. If you and my Corey find a common language and like each other, Margaret and I will be more than happy to have such an outstanding son," Joseph Williams said.

"Sir, you flatter me. It is a great honor for me that you allowed me to get to know your daughter better. I will do my best to justify your trust," Daniel replied and bowed slightly.

"WHOA, STOP!" Corey broke down and exploded. "What the hell is going on here at all?! What trust, what marriage?! Why are you discussing me as a business deal? Dad, I see this person for the first time in my life," the girl jabbed a finger at the young man, "How the hell can you talk about any personal communication at all?!"

"Corey Williams, how can you talk like that in the presence of an important guest? Watch your manners!" her father scolded her, "All that is required of you at the moment is to pay attention to Mr. Anderson. Are you able to do this?"

"Joseph, do not be angry with your daughter. It is not her fault. Simply, Corey is not yet aware of the whole situation, which is why she is overreacting a little. Give her time and I'm sure she will understand everything perfectly well," Daniel reassured him.

"Well, I guess, you are right. By the way, I need to go to the office on business now, so you can stay for a while longer and use this opportunity to talk to Corey alone and discuss everything," the girl's father suggested.

The men rose from the couch and shook hands. "I am glad to meet you personally. I hope to see you soon."

"Likewise, Joseph," Daniel smiled back.

"Dear, I will go with you then. I will just check out what's new in the mall along the way, see what I can buy for the engagement party," Corey's mother fluttered with happiness, as if preparing for her own wedding.

"My baby, be polite and take good care of our guest. This charming young man will not leave you indifferent. Ok, that's it, muah! Bye!" Margaret kissed her daughter on the cheek, sent an air kiss to Daniel, and she and her husband left the house in a joyful mood.

"Eeeeh?!" As soon as Corey managed to figure out what was going on, she was left alone in the living room. Alone with this demon.
