
Gamers, Soldiers, Drug Dealers, and a Man from the Province

"We… jump? We're like over 150,000 feet from the ground? We're almost reaching the damned mesosphere and we're supposed to just jump?!" Dara shouted in freight.

"Yes. We have rubber protection so don't worry." Cliff eased her worry.

"What's a damned condom going to do to save us from falling?!"

"Condom? It's a special rubberized suit that can aid in keeping us shrouded. It would also puff up before impact to reduce the stress we will be receiving."

"So it won't hurt?"

"Of course it would hurt. It would still kill normal humans. But we're not normal are we?" Cliff countered.

Other than the soldiers who knew the procedure everyone was gapping with their mouth wide open.

"What about our weapons? I read that there were Exoskeletons and weapons that we can access when we attack?"

"Right. How are we going to deploy those weapons if we're freefalling from the sky?"
