

the movie didn't do Aine justice, in the movies she was much weaker than what she has shown for example I have seen her turn mountains into sand with a single word, she has frozen a gargantuan beast with a single wave of her hand, she even created a sentient creature by carving its shape out of wood. the Ancient One of the movies was extremely weak compared to the one I have seen, and it is amazing.

even with all the help of my system, I could not come anywhere close to equaling her abilities, even after six years of being her student. after all this time Aine has called me to see her in her chambers for my graduation into being a master of the mystic arts, even though I will still be learning from Aine every once in a while the title just means that I'm expected to start branching out more.

"master Aine I am here," I said as I knocked on her door."

"come in Jeremy, we have a lot to do today and I want to get to the good parts"

"ok! you still haven't told me everything that we were going to do today."

"anyway, it's time for you to make your oaths, do you Jeremy Marton son of Jenny and Gregory Marton swear to use the things we have taught you to help defend the earth both from itself and from the rest of the multiverse?"

"I do."

"ok, now we can move on, come this way we need to get you your artifact or artifacts, although that rarely happens, and then we can go set up the arrays necessary for your house, you are lucky that your house is built on a ley line nexus by the way."

I was at first surprised that the oath was so short, then excited about getting my own artifact like how strange got his cloak of levitation. as I followed Aine she quickly made a portal that leads into a huge room containing tons of artifacts all over the place, there were staffs and wands, rings and amulets, weapons and armors, books and even some chariots and boats! the magic could be felt eliminating from every object washing over my body like waves over a reef.

"in here is where we hold most of the artifacts in our possession, anything from genie bottles, to the stones of Merlin, there are some more artifacts held in each sanctum but this is where we hold the majority of them. now, I want you to concentrate and try to sense the pull toward the artifact that calls to you."

I closed my eyes extending my magical senses outwards feeling for the pull of my artifact, at first there was nothing, but then there was a pull towards two items!

"master! I feel two pulls one is stronger than the other but they are both still pretty strong!

what do I do?"

"isn't it obvious? just follow one and then the other, just lead the way."

I opened my eyes and begun to walk towards the weaker pull, after a bit of walking around we finally found it. there was a black box that looked to be made of obsidian with circular silver patterns, inside was a ring made of the same obsidian with silver patterns swirling along the top.

"ah! the ring of shielding, it gives the wearer the ability to create magical shields capable of absorbing or deflecting many attacks as long as the wearer channels energy into it. a very good item, I'm curious was this the stong or the weak pull?"

"this was the weaker pull, It amazing, I wonder if I can wrap the shield around my whole body? anyway, let's go to the other one, the pull is in this direction."

I put the ring on and the box in my inventory as I began to walk towards the pull of my other artifact. as we walked the pull got stronger until we arrived at weapons rack, there was a 7-foot long spear, it was made of a steel-like metal that was slightly blue in tint when I picked it up blue runes glowed all along the length of it and if you looked closely they appeared to be moving, I could feel great energy coming from the spear before it started glowing and then disappeared inside my body.

"what was that!?"

"that was the Arclance Brenna, a powerful weapon that is able to pierce most defenses and even shoot powerful energy blasts. you should be able to summon it to your hand even if it was to be destroyed."

I looked at my hand while focusing on Brenna when I felt the weight of the arclance return to my hand, now it was only around five and a half feet tall, presumably so that matched my hight. I got a warm sensation of confidence from the spear, I felt confident without overestimating my self.

"Brenna is also able to work as a conductor like a staff or a wand, anyway, let's get going we need to get to your sleeping quarters to pick up your stuff, then we need to go to your home and set up the arrays around it."

"ok, let's go!" I said as Aine opened a portal to my living quarters.


"Oh! Jesus Christ, you scared me how many times do I have to tell you... ah, hello Ancient one I thought Jeremy had opened a portal randomly and scared me again" my grandmother said, she and my mom were in the living room drinking coffee and eating some form of pastry while playing cards.

"Hi, sweetheart! why didn't you tell us you were coming to visit?"

"it's alright Mrs. Marton Jeremy didn't know we were coming until half an hour ago, he has graduated and now has regained his free time, I am just here to drop him off and to set up a defensive array"

my mom was appeased by Aine's statement so we headed outside and begun the setup, the array created an invisible bubble around the estate that kept magic from crossing the barrier, on top of that it prevented offensive magic from being cast within the array. anyone that was not Aine or me would be unable to teleport within the estate, anyone attempting to would end up at the estate's gate.

after we finished the array Aine said goodbye and then left, I went and changed out of the sorcerer clothes and into more comfortable clothes. There was one more year before the start of the cannon, I had to upgrade my suit in that time and maybe set up a few things, this was going to be fun!
