
A lord and a leader

Oliphilis's cabin, Earth.

Jason observed the small crew of helpers he had. Miwi, Jenna, Oliphilis, Corey, Kierra, and Kien. Seven people solving a century-old mystery in such a limited time was almost impossible. Even with the addition of Styllaph, he still wasn't so sure.

He had been told that Evil was planning something huge and different this time and they needed the joint help of the 13 tribes to stand a chance in defeating him. Evil couldn't be killed as he was a primal law, an existence essential to the universe. He just needed to be banished into the underwaild over and over again.

It was a tiring game but Jason understood it was necessary. It was the life force of the universe after all. Jason glanced over to the Alpha Empress and clicked his tongue. Honestly, he didn't really understand her. She was a great fighter and an even greater mother. She was quite gentle too and kind. All the great qualities of an Empress but she was far from home.

It was more than it seemed. He knew that and understood her reason to be loyal to him. But it seemed like she really enjoyed being under him as a servant. She did what he asked effectively and she was a great trainer too. He didn't understand her.

Nor did he understand the concept of working under someone. His individuality was very much important to him which was why he never wanted to become the next beta in the first place. He was content to be left to his own devices. However, he was right in the middle of everything, most probably the cause of a universal tier fight.

Sighing deeply, he thought back to a conversation he had with Seriel in one of their classes.


"You want to know why I'm fiercely loyal to Xunia and so accommodating of you?" Seriel asked, evidently puzzled by his question. Jason nodded, curiosity shimmering in his eyes.

"You and the other Queens are fiercely loyal to her and extremely protective of her. I do not understand it. Tell me why" Coming from a pack where backstabbing was a norm, it was obvious that he didn't truly understand loyalty.

"Jason, being with Xunia and pledging my life to her was a path I chose myself, one I'm willing to abide by till my last breath. My reasons for this are simple: she is one of the kindest souls I've ever met. She's fiercely loyal, even more so than me and she would do anything for me. I know this because it has happened over and over again" she explained passionately.

"Hmm, what did she do to deserve that?"

"Simple. She saved my life and the life of a billion giants" Jason gave her a puzzled look.

"About two centuries ago, when the lands were still divided, a young wolf woman entered the giants domain. She was a strange sight with her dark grey hair and her silver eyes. What was even more strange was that she decided to enroll in the high school for giants. She wasn't the only non-giant there but she was the strangest.

She was so quiet and she kept to herself. She only wore the academy's uniform and didn't respond to bullying. The giants are not a gentle and peace-loving race as legends depict, they're really like every other feary. The ones known to legend are the patient ones.

In reality, they're a prideful race like any other and are known for their superior strength and skills. Especially one-half giant, the best in the whole school and the most powerful giant hybrid, me. When I was younger, I used to be bullied for being a half-giant. So, I made up my mind to get stronger so I won't be bullied anymore.

Unfortunately, when I got stronger, I liked the feeling of having power, and I began to oppress others with my superior strength. I completely lost focus on myself and began to deteriorate into madness. One day, I challenged her"


Seriel stood towering about the wolf girl, sneering. She had great confidence in her strength and was sure of her victory, but she was curious about the new girl. She avoided challenges and kept to herself so, Seriel was surprised when the girl accepted her challenge.

"What is your name wolf girl?"

"It is Xunia"

"Show your face" Seriel commanded haughtily. Under her hood, Xunia smirked.

"But of course" she said, lifting her hood. A teenage freckled face came to view, her hair in a ponytail, and her lips curled. Her grey orbs were filled with mischief and she readied herself for a fight.

"Whenever you're ready, giant" she goaded, making a come hither sign with her fingers.

Seriel snorted and downsized to Xunia's size. She clapped her hands, making a sonic boom and when she put her palms apart, a huge spirit staff, golden in color, appeared in her hands. She twirled it a few times before settling it on the ground, making an earthquake which pushed against Xunia.

Xunia jumped to avoid the burst of earth and her black broadsword appeared in her hands. She somersaulted in the air and landed on her feet elsewhere. Seriel, not letting her rest, took off in a burst of speed and swung her staff in an arc, vaulting rocks at her. She slashed at those rocks with her broadsword and pierced through to hit Seriel in the chest. The latter blocked it with her staff and twirled it, launching sand particles, each sharper than a sword, at her face.

A veil of dark energy appeared and covered her face, disintegrating the particles before it could touch her. Using Seriel's staff as a propeller, she launched herself backward.

"Not bad wolf girl" Seriel appraised, taking a stance. A huge amount of power metheron energy was gathering around her.

"That was just a warm-up, giant" Xunia replied, gathering her darkness metheron energy. Seriel attacked first.

[Stellar Giant Techniques: Avatar of the Earth] The metheron energy she was gathering entered the earth and a huge golem rose from the ground. It had a sword in both hands and looked very terrifying. The other students watching gasped as they had never seen her use her metheron energy in a duel before. She never really had to as her superior strength dominated every one of them.

"Looks like I made you get serious eh? Don't worry, you'll get a good fight" Xunia said, grinning.

[Imperial Sword Arts: Lilith's blade] The broadsword in her hand started to glow ominously as she threw it in the air. A black angel manifested and held the sword, turning it into a rapier.

"Go" they both said at the same time. The two creations clashed. The golem tried to dominate the angel with superior strength while the angel was fast and nimble. The golem never got a hit in but was filled with numerous slashes in which its body started to decay.

"You can use curse energy?" Seriel asked in shock. Xunia only grinned in response. This time, Xunia attacked.

[Imperial dagger arts: Omega deck] thousands of dark daggers appeared above Xunia in an omega symbol and she directed them to attack Seriel. Seriel hastily summoned [Stellar Giant Techniques: Shield of the Earth god] which formed a huge dome, protecting her from the daggers. She knew it was a matter of time before her shield corroded because of the curse energy.

She moved from where she was in an instant and when she did, her dome was cleaved in half. Seriel cursed and summoned another spirit staff, melding it with the one she had at hand. Her body grew bigger and she swung the staff in an arc, obliterating the incoming dagger.

"I can nullify your curse energy by the purification of power but it would take an extremely large amount of my energy reserves to do so" Seriel said frowning. The students immediately burst into mummers. It was already a miracle for Xunia to use curse energy but it was even more astounding for Seriel to be able to counter it.

"But.....I cannot lose to a wolf girl like you!" Seriel yelled.

{Legend of the earthen god, the reincarnation of Iwin}

Seriel's body shrunk until she became shorter than Xunia. The phantom of a golden crown rest on her head and the earth started to crumble beneath her feet. Xunia's smug expression finally cracked and she got serious. two dark wings sprouted from her backs, sweeping the floor. She closed her eyes and her body was shrouded in thick darkness. Seriel instinctively felt the shroud of darkness was very dangerous so she resolved to finish the fight soon.

{Dance of the earthen god, earth's destruction}

The earth beneath her feet broke apart and created a large earthquake. The other students scrambled away from the place they fought. Huge pieces of rocks floated above Xunia's head and rotated very fast. Seriel snapped her fingers and the rocks turned into grains, shooting at her like a landslide.


The two black wings spread and covered Xunia's head. The shroud of darkness increased and soon the sky was covered with Seriel's metheron and Xunia's darkness energy. The two attacks clashed and everything went black.

I spent a long time deliberating how to end this chapter. Here it is lol

Greyworrldcreators' thoughts