
Shrouded Clouds

編輯: Henyee Translations

"Did you hear the news?"

"Hear what?"

"The gunshots that were heard on the outskirts of Jinling high-tech zone. Some people saw a lot of police… Apparently, it is related to the raging robot crime that was reported some time ago."

"Really? Don't spread false rumors. I heard that someone was shooting a movie over there… Doesn't that refute the rumors?"

"Oh, really? I just heard from someone else… But do you really think that robots are safe? The Jinling Institute for Advanced Study Museum lost one some time ago. Apparently, it slipped by itself."

"Maybe it is to celebrate the resurrection of Academician Lu? Anyway, the three laws of robotics are unbreakable. The Hippocampus Group's technical strength is also quite strong. They won't have illogical loopholes in their robots… Okay, let's change the subject."
