

When the warmth of the sun washed away the coldness of the night, Senja still hugged herself so she wouldn't fall apart.

It was a long time after the sunrise before finally Doctor Lin came out from the tent.

She looked spent and downhearted, her jet black hair disheveled, coming out from her hair band while her clothes wrinkled and tainted with blood.

Xiao Tianyao's blood.

Only when Doctor Lin sat down beside her, Senja has courage to lift her head, greeted with the blazing sun on her face.

She raised her hand and opened her palm to cover the blinding light.

It was a sunny day, an amazing day to start something new. Ironically, it wasn't in the same line with what Senja felt now.

She felt deserted and empty. Event the bright of the sun couldn't illuminate the black void of her heart

When her eyes started to adjust with the light, Senja tilted her head and looked over at Doctor Lin who was sitting beside her with the same position.
