

Mari being to excited didn't hear the words that came out of Suzune's mouth, Azusa Nakajou being the nervous wreck that she is, was cowering on the side completely oblivious to the words that were just said. Mayumi had a brief look of confusion before her eyes opened wide in disbelief, as a member of the ten master clans how could she not catch on to the 'Ichi' in the name Ichinose.

The ten research laboratories were established by Japan, and each with a specific research theme. They are place of origin of ten master clans. Certain laboratories have been shut down, one after another due to inhuman research conducted among other reasons. But one thing was for certain the first and fourth were the most notorious due to extreme human rights violations, the first laboratory produced the Ichijou clan and their far-famed Dispersal-Systematic magic "Rupture" that vaporizes all fluid within the target's body and possesses A-rank destructive power.

They also produce the Isshiki family who are a member of the eighteen assistant houses who has a magic "Nerve Disturbance" that can directly interfere with the human body through the brain and nervous system. Also the Ichinokura family who use magic that interferes with the body temperature of living organisms in turn liquefies all internal organs, it's called "Sludge"

Due to the nature of the first institutes magic research, many families involved had disagreements in the direction of their research, it was speculated that 2 families ended up leaving the institute. One of them was the Ichihana and the other was never mentioned or confirmed. The Ichihana developed and gained a magic to disable opponents and thus interfere with them by manipulating their nerves they called "Puppet Theater". They wanted to publicized it and make their family's trademark magic, the first institute confronted them in fear that it would draw negative feedback from the public, since they were still trying to recover from the puppet terrorists incident. They later made it forbidden for them to use it, this caused a conflict thus resulted in the Number "One" being dropped form their name.

The family thus felt disgraced, and cut all ties with all member of the institute and subsequently changed their name to Ichihara. They destroyed all research and information of the said magic, only teaching it to their direct descendants. The abilities of magic however gained interests in the medical department, and thus helped the Ichihara earn a name in that field. To this day JSDF and the Japanese magic association has made many attempts to convince them to register the sequence and regain their place as a member of the eighteen assistant houses, since they recognize the potential of the said magic for both medical and combat situation. But they have vehemently refused to do anything related to that.

The Ichinose family was only recognized by other members of the said first institute as the other family who left, they on the other hand left voluntarily. The reason was that they felt that the institute never supported their ideas, hence after completing the said research left without any drama. The only thing that was known about the developed magic however, was that it was the complete opposite of both the Ichijou and Ichinokura families magic.

It was so deadly that it was recognized as an A-ranked Dispersal-Type magic, the Ichinose family gradually and quietly faded out of the limelight, most members of the numbered families don't even know or remembered they existed. But for those who hailed from the first institute however, they know just how deadly they really are.

Mayumi being clueless decided to do some research, she sent a message to a member of her family who specialized in covert investigations, and she also stressed the fact that her father must not be alerted by any means. Shortly after she received a message from him saying that he did find some information, but nothing important and that there is a file on them from the ten master clans database and if he were to access it it would draw the attention of her father. Furrowing her brows she sent another message and this time to a member of the ten master clans. One she was familiar with his name was Juumonji Katsuto , the heir of the Juumonji clan and current leader of the Club Management Group asking him if he could discreetly investigate the Ichinose family for her.

Mayumi knew it was impolite to do so, but she was a curious lady by nature. And being a spoiled girl she usually had her ways with anything that caught her attention, she looked at Suzune and sighed. She knew her families story very well, and felt a bit bad that she was going to dig up somebody else's dirty laundry for the sake of her curiosity. Just as quick as it came she dismissed it, she was determined to find out who he was and what he could do.

Elsewhere while walking Takeo got a message from Kana saying that the second phase of the G&G Group was currently moving forward, they had created three humans using one of technologies he had form the files he download from the terrorist organization called 'Flash Cloning'. Combining it with those he had from the G&G Group he was able to make some breakthroughs, flash cloning is a more advantageous form of cloning where organs or other body parts go through accelerated ageing to match the age of the donor.

Taking that they decided to use the DNA samples taking from the failed experiments the previous G&G Group had in storage to flash clone an entire human being, according to the downloaded files the process is imperfect and, would cause many health issues such as metabolic cascade failure, a syndrome characterized by degeneration of the body in all clones. A series of defects would show themselves within months. As they accumulate, the clone inevitably die from degenerative disorders potentially in every organ as the body essentially collapses. Their deaths from this syndrome are inevitable, after running this by the team they decided to introduced an artificial machine that supplied both Psion and Pushion during the whole process to strengthen the cloned humans rapid growth.

And they had succeed, the result was three healthy humans created without any signs of defect, or sickness whatsoever. Every test showed that they will not a suffer any side effects that plagues all artificial humans either. According to Kana they created three males and one female, one male was aged to his 70's, one was aged to his 40's and the last one was aged to his mid twenties. The woman however was also aged to her 40's, he just received pictures of their appearances and he must say they were all pretty good looking.

Their purpose was to act as a family in order to avoid suspicion, one thing he learned from the file and memories he received from the old G&G Group warned him about how noisy the master clans were and how the military were usually snooping around. All it takes is a suspicion and everything would unravel on itself, so one must cover their tracks with the utmost care. His 'Grandfather' would be listed as the founder of the real estate department of the G&G Group, while his 'father' the one behind the technology section, and his mother was in charge of the Fashion department.

As for his 'Brother' he was currently a student and was in charge of the stock market sector, and other small companies that they owned here and there. After reviewing and selecting the best pictures

He quickly uploaded many of the different pictures he selected of them doing different tasks and wearing different clothes, he also attached the fake biography he created he was extremely lucky when took on the name Ichinose. Because there used to exist a family by that name, they are are now extinct so taking on their identity was not much of problem for him due to his DNI.

He also hacked the magic associations database and input their psion signatures on file, next was another bold and risky move. He hacked both the fourth magic affiliated high school and the national magic university's databases, he created a file on his brother and attached a note saying that due to illness he had to attend school via their virtual terminal. Both moves were incredibly risky, he had a window of a mere 53 seconds before he would of been caught by their security system.

Shaking his head, he felt incredibly tired. He looked at the time and he realized that it was only the middle of the day, shaking his head once more he made his way towards his classroom. Upon arrival his terminal sounded once more, opening it this time manually in order not to look like a mental while staring at nothing he noticed it was from the teacher's office telling him that his dual was approved. The time would be an hour after classes were done for the day, he was also assigned room 5 and that the student council, the club management group and the public moral committee would serve as the witnesses.

Raising an eyebrow at the ridiculous and mostly overkill amount of witnesses he could not help but cursed out loud.

"What the Fuck is this Shit, a criminal hearing?"

courtesy of

After talking with my older brother about this novel he pitched a few ideas that i am going to include and this is one of them. for these new characters i allowed my younger brothers and sister to pick them or design them.

(Ps i had to do something so they could leave the hell alone, and go bother other ppl)

Gramps-Gejutel K. Landegre from Noblesse manga

Dad-Roctis Kravei from Noblesse manga

Mother-Akiko Minase from Kanon anime

Brother-Darnic Prestone Yggdmillennia from Fate/Apocrypha

breaker13creators' thoughts