
How to Be An Extrovert 101

Walking over to the crimson manuals which still laid out on the golden table the Mad Magician stared in hidden shock. As he got closer, Gott finally turned his eyes away from his creations.

"I now have the techniques. How would you suggest I handle the other two lacking elements?" Finally, for the Magician, Feuersberg's voice started to resemble the wise beast his physical form portrayed.

The Mad Magician was caught slightly off guard but deduced it was due to the personal importance of establishing an organization to Gott. Snapping out of his daze the Magician responded to Gott question.

"For a base to train at, here would be easy enough. You may not know this, but you're currently residing in a large mountain. The effects of your roars are said to kill smaller animals, so providing food as a resource would be easy enough. There is also snow at the peak so harvesting water would be just as convenient. You still need people… but I have a plan about that."

The Magician looked towards Gott to make sure that the beast was agreeing so far with his statements. In the eyes of Gott, a prodding could be seen. Thus the Mad Magician Continued.

"My plan for people coming here is pretty simple first, you must control the heat that you produce as you breathe. It might only be uncomfortable for me, but it could be deadly for weaker people. I am assuming that since you completed your understanding of the techniques, I gave you, it should be simple enough."

Gott confirmed, "Indeed, except as much as you praise their strengths I was expecting more…"

Gott's statement made The Mad Magician twitch and would make anybody else vomit up blood. Not only did Gott master each class to the 4th stage but said they were weak. The Magician's mind was spinning as he considered what level strength Gott had. Eventually, though he refocused his mind and started speaking again.

"Ah yes, well there is good news in that. You will be able to protect the organization you build. Well as I see you already have taken care of the heat, now all you need to do is, once I leave, count 86,400 seconds and then roar. I guess you have the patience considering for how long you have waited already?"

Instantly Gott responded "Yes, that will be easy for me. How long will I have to wait after that?"

"Well considering the time it would take a normal person to get here I'd say around half a day. I almost forgot to ask… Are you establishing an Academy, Sect, or Guild?"

After thinking for a moment, Gott answered "All, I plan to establish it all together… hmm but then it can't be called any of the options..."

"Why not just name it after your mountain. Some sects don't actually call themselves directly as a sect but instead of a different name which they go by. Such as Divine Sword Mountain, you could call your's Fire Mountain or something." Seeing the issue, The Mad Magician tried to figure out a solution.

"What is your language's name for fire and beast?" it was clear that Gott had an idea.

"It is Feuer like in your name and beast is tier." Personally, to the Magician, naming it that didn't seem to fit since it's already in his surname, but who is he to judge somebody that can easily kill him.

"That won't work as it is in my name already. Any other languages from where you're from?" Gott denied the usage of those words, while the Magician was giving himself a pat on the back for knowing it wouldn't work.

"In one language it is called ignis and bestia. That language was no longer used even there. It is a guarantee that its meaning only those who you tell will know."

Gott was keen to the two different names that the Magician said.

"Yes that will work, I shall call it Mt. Ignis Bestia. To prove it is my and I shall always stand for it, my face shall be its crest." As Feuersberg spoke the manuals on the table floated once again.

On the ends of the scroll's rod, an imprint of Gott's face burned into it. Steam could be seen as Gott Feuersberg made his crest. The exact same image that was of the scroll was marked on the front of the book and pamphlet. An octagon also formed around the head which Gott burned onto the techniques. If one looked closer, they would see that on all eight sides of the octagon the characters for Mt. Ignis Bestia were carved in.

Nothing more of worth was exchanged between the two beings who were in that cavern. One was processing the near past and one the near future. Each with a new outlook on the world, like shades removed from their eyes. The Mad Magician trekked back down the mountain. This time though as he went, he cut down trees. He did not run or even hasten his steps but with care cleared a path. The walkway led from the cave down to the bottom of the mountain. There were stones on the side of the trail, each hand placed by the Magician. Carved into each rock was a symbol. These markings created a barrier which kept creatures away while also blessing who ever walked in it with strengthened stamina.

The Mad Magician walked into the city once again and sat on the same bench. When the law enforcers saw him, they immediately called for the elders of the town. A few old men and women surrounded by guards walked towards The Magician. Before they could even speak the Magician stopped them.

Staring at the old people with his hand raised the Mad Magician spoke "You need not believe what I say as it shall be confirmed tomorrow. Now for the message that is vital to the thriving of your city. I have spoken to the Beast on the Mountain, and his name is Gott Feuersberg. He requires company."

Please due note that the title of the chapter is only meant for the final line. Also... I'm lacking ideas for this novel. Don't get me wrong I have the world plotted out just fine, but this is one of my story ideas which I have spent the least amount of time on. Tell me what you think of it! is it as bad as fan-fiction? Dear Lord I hope not!

What I'm tired no jokes today...

TheWritingTunaCancreators' thoughts